Question title

Which area do you live in now?

Which area do you live in now?

We have provided an image to help you identify a selection.

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Question title

Do you own or rent your home?

Select a response

Question title

Which areas in Grand Rapids would you consider living in?

Which areas in Grand Rapids would you consider living in?

We have provided an image to help you identify areas of interest.

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Question title

Have you searched for housing in the last 12 months?

Select a response

Question title

In what areas have you searched for housing?

In what areas have you searched for housing?

We have provided an image of Grand Rapids to help you identify a selection.

Select a response

Question title

Which areas have you ever rented or purchased a home in?

Which areas have you ever rented or purchased a home in?
Select a response

Question title

Please indicate how each of the following housing issues currently impact your household. For each issue, select one of the following: No Impact, Low Impact, Some Impact, Significant Impact

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Question title

How would you rate the quality of the following opportunities in your neighborhood? For each opportunity, select one of the following: Poor, Satisfactory, Good, Excellent.

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Question title

Please answer the following with True or False.

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Question title

Are there areas in Grand Rapids you would not consider living in because of concerns about discrimination or harassment?

Select a response

Question title

If yes, which areas would you not consider?

If yes which areas would you not consider?
Select a response

Question title

Have you ever experienced discrimination in your housing search?

Fair housing laws protect people from discrimination in housing based on race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, national origin, familial status, disability, marital status, and age. Discrimination is illegal in housing transactions such as rentals, sales, lending, and insurance.

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Question title

What do you think was the basis of the discrimination?

Fair housing laws protect people from discrimination in housing based on race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, national origin, familial status, disability, marital status, and age. Discrimination is illegal in housing transactions such as rentals, sales, lending, and insurance.

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