
On June 16, 2016, the South Central Waterfront Vision Framework Plan (Vision Plan) was adopted as an amendment to the Imagine Austin Comprehensive Plan. As defined in the Vision Plan, the South Central Waterfront district encompasses roughly 118 acres.
The intent of the Vision Plan was to leverage forecasted development through a districtwide approach that creates a dynamic people-centered district in Central Austin by:

- Establishing a lively, attractive pedestrian environment;
- Expanding open space and creating great public places;
- Enhancing connections to and along the waterfront; and
- Providing 20% new affordable housing units, or approximately 527 affordable units in the district.

A districtwide approach had been identified as an essential method in realizing the intent of the Vision Plan. Through this approach, the South Central Waterfront is hoped to become a model for how a districtwide green infrastructure system, paired with quality urban design, can provide an interconnected network of public spaces – streets, streetscapes, lakeside trails, and parks – that provides the framework for redevelopment and districtwide value capture to fund other community benefits, such as affordable housing.
The urban development envisioned in the Vision Plan requires modifications to the existing zoning and development regulations. To support the development envisioned in the Vision Plan, the City Council passed Resolution Number 20220915-090 on September 15, 2022, to initiate the development of regulations for the South Central Waterfront area. In the resolution, Council asked staff to create regulations that consider today’s market realities, anticipate future demand, and realize the intent of the Vision Plan to:

  • Create a density bonus program “akin” to the Downtown Density Bonus Program;
  • Allow building height, floor-to-area ratio (FAR), and entitlements that support the economics required to achieve infrastructure and community benefits;
  • Allow additional entitlements exclusively through density bonus;
  • Conduct regulation updates, at a minimum, every five years;
  • Ensure development entitlements are sufficient to sustain and address increasing market demands and the rising inflation of labor and materials;
  • Maximize the number of affordable units;
  • Maximize infrastructure investments;
  • Maximize other on-site community benefits;
  • Ensure enhanced environmental standards and protection;
  • Support Project Connect; and
  • Create a connected, pedestrian-oriented, mixed-use district where thousands more Austinites can live, work, and play.


Summary of Proposed Amendment

See South Central Waterfront project page: 


Review and Adoption Timeline

  • Indefinitely postponed. 

Case Manager Contact

April Geruso, Planning Department,

Question title

Submit a Comment/Question: Your input is important to us. If you have a question or comment, please don't hesitate to let us know using the form below. Please note, depending on when you submit your input or question and the volume of input received, you may not receive a personalized response; however, all input will be shared with staff, City Council and Planning Commission, and the website will be updated to include responses to frequently asked questions.

The crosswalk across Rio at this design looks potentially dangerous. Cars turning Left out of Belvedere would be focused on passing 2 lanes of westbound Rio traffic, then immediately would be on top of a crosswalk just as they have accelerated across Rio. There appears to be too...See More
Reply9 Agree3 years ago
If the circle at JWP and Rio Rd provides for the constant flow of traffic, it seems that trying to make a left turn out of Belvedere will be even more difficult, given there will be no traffic light to provide a break in traffic, especially at busy times of the day.
Reply8 Agree3 years ago
While the safety lane for vehicles turning left from Belvedere is an improvement, vehicles still have to cross two lanes of westbound Rio Road traffic to get to the safety lane. While I avoid the Belvedere/Rio intersection when heading to the parkway (I drive through Dunlora to ...See More
Reply6 Agree3 years ago
I'm most concerned about pedestrians. As cars turning left out of Belvedere focus on passing 2 lanes of traffic, will they remember to look to the right for pedestrians crossing in front of them? What about the crosswalk across Rio? Will cars in the slip lane see someone in that ...See More
Reply4 Agree3 years ago
How was peak load issues entering and exiting Belvedere Blvd for bigger events at SOCA, FairView, and The Center taken into account? In meetings a few years ago when representatives of all these organizations plus other area stakeholders was held with VDOT and Albemarle county s...See More
Reply4 Agree3 years ago