Question title

Please share your name and contact information.

Question title

Affiliation (if applicable)

Closed to responses

Question title

* Which of these apply to you? Select any/all that apply.

Tribe/First Nation
Government- U.S. federal, state, local
Government- Canadian
Environmental NGO
Southern Resident killer whale research community
Recreational Boating Association of Washington member
Northwest Marine Trade Association member
Motorized boating
Marine kayaking/paddle boarding
Recreational fishing
Commercial fishing
Commercial whale watching
Paddle tour industry
N/A- none of these
Closed to responses

Question title

Please select any other applicable perspectives or qualifications you would bring to the ORCA Group:

Communications/outreach training or experience
Marketing training or experience
Social marketing experience
Experience working on behavior change initiatives/campaigns
Education training or experience
Social science training or experience
Navigational or surveyor training or experience
IT tool/app development training or experience
Orca ecotype identification training or experience
Shore-based marine wildlife viewing
Closed to responses

Question title

Please share a sentence or two about your most relevant experience.

Closed for Comments

Question title

What is your level of interest in participating in the ORCA Group? (Select all that apply.)

Attending regular meetings & serving as a voting member
Participating in a workshop (one or more)
Participation on my own time (e.g., taking a survey)
Giving feedback on options (e.g. user test group feedback)
Brainstorming options
Prioritizing strategies
Monitoring effectiveness
Closed to responses