Haddonfield's current master plan was created in 1984 when Apple introduced the MacIntosh computer, and the original "Ghostbusters" was the top-grossing film. Haddonfield, and the world, have changed a lot since then! Despite periodic reexaminations, it is time for a complete overhaul. 

Updating the Master Plan requires a thorough and inclusive community discussion about the town's current state, the community's values and aspirations for the future, and the strategies that should be used or actions that should be taken to achieve the community's vision for the future. The update process is expected to take approximately 18 months to complete.

Frequently Asked Questions

A master plan is an official document adopted by the municipality that describes the current conditions and establishes a vision for the community's future. A master plan is designed to guide all land use decisions – for example, to encourage development or protect open space - within the municipality "in a manner which protects public health and safety and promotes the general welfare."

In New Jersey, a master plan must include a Statement of Objectives, Principles, Assumptions, Policies, and Standards (SOPAPS), a Land Use Element, and a Housing Element (if a municipality wants to utilize zoning). Master plans sometimes include additional elements relevant to the municipality, such as a Circulation Plan, Economic Plan, or Historic Preservation Plan.

Haddonfield's most recently adopted Master Plan, created in 1984, is outdated. Haddonfield, and the world, have changed a lot since then: Apple introduced the MacIntosh computer, and the original "Ghostbusters" was the top-grossing film.

Haddonfield has conducted periodic reexaminations of its Master Plan, most recently in 2009, to evaluate whether the assumptions, goals, and objectives have changed. This Master Plan update reexamines the existing plan and focuses on four key areas; Housing Diversity, Resiliency, Downtown Economic Viability, and Circulation. These areas of focus reflect what Haddonfield is today and where the community wants it to go.

A Master Plan is a document that guides all policy decisions within a municipality and sets the course for future action. The four focus areas affect the Borough in different ways, but the common goal is to improve the quality of life for residents.

Haddonfield is a great place to live, work, and shop, and we want to keep it that way. We also want to respond to changes that are affecting our community proactively. The Master Plan will guide how the Borough can continue to be an excellent community for current residents and future generations. We need your help to shape this future by getting involved with the Master Planning process.

The Planning Board adopts the municipal master plan, but the master plan should reflect the vision of the entire community. That is why Haddonfield wants to hear what you have to say. We need you to help guide this process and share your thoughts on how you envision the community's future.

A team of professional planners from Pennoni is assisting the Borough with the Master Plan update. In addition to public outreach, the Pennoni team meets regularly with a Master Plan Subcommittee, comprised of representatives from the Planning Board, Zoning Board, Borough Council, and Borough staff, to guide the planning process.  

Throughout this entire process, we have had a multitude of opportunities for residents to get involved. Although we are nearing the end of the Master Plan process, please sign up below for continued updates! 

You can also email Haddonfield@PublicInput.com at any time to submit comments.

Question title

Sign up here to get updates about the Master Plan Update:

Survey #1: Understanding Haddonfield

From May of 2023 until the winter of 2023, we had an open survey soliciting input on a wide variety of topics related to life in Haddonfield. This first survey was used to help us better understand Haddonfield and craft the master plan topics and themes.

Stakeholder Engagement

The project team conducted a series of interviews with local stakeholders. 

First In-Person Public Meeting

June 7th - 7 pm. Borough Hall Auditorium

Our team was joined by 30+ Haddonfield residents for in-person launch of the Master Planning process. We gave an overview of what the Master Plan is, why the Master Plan is important, and ways to get involved. There will continue to be many ways to give feedback on your priorities moving forward. 

Find the recording of this meeting under the "Meetings" tab.

First Round Engagement Recap and Priority Refinement

Over the summer and into the fall, the project team will process the feedback from the first round of public engagement, refine the priorities for each focus areas, and prepare for the next round of engagement. Check in on the website and with Haddonfield's social media for ongoing project updates!

Second Public Meeting - March 26, 2024

March 26, 2024

On March 26, 2024, we convened a second time at the Haddonfield Borough Hall to review community and stakeholder feedback and discuss next steps on the Housing, Circulation, Resiliency, and Downtown Economic Vitality elements of the Master Plan. 

Survey #2: Refining Priorities

During the Spring of 2024, we had an open survey soliciting input on the topics and recommendations that we have been refining throughout the planning process. Over 850 individual participants gave their feedback in this final open survey, helping the planning team to fine tune the plan's recommendations.