Hampton Voluntary Elevation and Property Acquisition Survey
Hampton Voluntary Elevation and Property Acquisition Survey
Thank you for taking the time to participate in this survey. The Town of Hampton, in partnership with the NH Department of Environmental Services and the Rockingham Planning Commission, is exploring the feasibility of administering federal funding for a voluntary building elevation and voluntary property acquisition reimbursement program on behalf of interested residents of Hampton. The purpose of this survey is to gauge resident interest in this type of a program and to identify resources that would be needed to adequately support those who are interested. This survey is for informational purposes only. It does not constitute an application to a voluntary building elevation or voluntary property acquisition program, nor does it guarantee participation in a voluntary building elevation or voluntary property acquisition program.
The survey should take you 15-20 minutes to complete. The survey will ask you questions about your experiences with flooding, housing situation, and preferences for reducing flood risk. If you own multiple properties in Hampton, please answer questions for only one property. You may exit the online survey form at any time without submitting your information. With the results of the survey, the project partners will develop a long-term strategy to support voluntary home elevations and voluntary property acquisitions in Hampton.
This is an anonymous, voluntary survey. You have the option to share your name, contact information, and address if you are interested in learning more about voluntary building elevation and voluntary property acquisition assistance. Your name, contact information, and address will not be identified in any presentations or reports unless granted with your express permission.
This survey will close December 23rd.
If you have any questions, please contact Hampton's Coastal Resilience Coordinator, Tori Bamford at vbamford@hamptonnh.gov or (603) 758-1516.