District 5 (Haven for Hope) Quiet Zone
District 5 (Haven for Hope) Quiet Zone
The San Antonio Transportation Department will be making improvements to the Quiet Zone crossings near the Haven for Hope to bring the crossings into compliance with federal regulations.
For questions or comments regarding the Haven for Hope Quiet Zones: call 855-925-2801 and enter code 10307. Or, email us at SAquietzones@publicinput.com.
What's Happening?
Estimated Construction Timeline
Construction of railroad crossing improvements are scheduled to begin in November 2024 and be completed by January 2025 (weather permitting)* at these railroad crossings:
- Arbor Pl.
- Ruiz St.
- Leal St.
- Hardberger Way
- W. Martin St.
Drivers can expect temporary delays at the listed crossings, and a full-day closure on Leal Street when construction begins. Closures are not expected to last more than 24 hours and will be staggered to minimize impact to travel. Please seek alternate routes during construction..
*Train horns will continue to be heard until FRA and Union Pacific confirm and approve the new Quiet Zone features.
Why are we still hearing train horns?
The Quiet Zone improvements need to be accepted by the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) and Union Pacific Railroad (UPRR) before the horns can be silenced.
This Quiet Zone failed a random inspection in 2021. The FRA has since allowed train engineers to sound horns until such time as the crossings' deficiencies are remedied and accepted by FRA and UPRR. The Transportation Department is actively auditing all Quiet Zone crossings within San Antonio to determine their state of repair and proactively seek funding to make any necessary repairs to remain in or re-establish compliance.
Quiet Zone Formation in San Antonio