Welcome! This site will guide you through the steps to share your ideas and opinions on the future of Henrico County.Previous input from the public was used to create the visions and goals for the upcoming plan. Your responses will help us understand how well we incorporated your feedback and help guide the planning process. If you need to get caught up on what this is all about, please read more on our website: https://www.henriconext.us/
Henrico County's currently adopted Comprehensive Plan is the Vision 2026 Plan.
The proposed Community Vision is below. A vision describes the highest level of expression of community aspirations in the plan and helps create a common understanding of the plan's intended outcomes. This vision will be supported with aspirational goals, which express specific outcomes intended for specific planning topics, like Public Facilities and Services or Future Land Use. During this survey, you will be asked to evaluate your support for various vision statements and goals.
In 2045, our Henrico County community will achieve…
- Conservation of Our Environment
- Managed and Sustained Growth
- Safe and Connected Spaces
- High-quality, Livable Places