Town of Apex, NC Subscriptions
Select topics you're interested in to receive notifications via email and/or text.
'All in Apex' is a monthly digest of news, events, and other updates from The Peak of Good Living!
Affordable Housing Plan
Receive updates on implementation of the Town's Affordable Housing Plan.
All Long Range Plans
Includes future plans and major updates to adopted plans. (Downtown Master Plan, Future Land Use Plan, etc.)
Receive information and updates on all youth and adult athletic leagues for all seasons.
'All in Apex' is a monthly digest of news, events, and other updates from The Peak of Good Living!
Halle Cultural Arts Center
Receive information on what is happening at The Halle for all ages, including programming, exhibits, shows, and other events.
Non-Athletic Programming
Non-athletic programming for all ages at the John M. Brown Community Center & within our parks.
Park Maintenance
Stay updated on planned maintenance and closures in all our parks, greenways and dog parks.
Parks and Recreation General Information
Learn more about special events and activities for all ages, as well as updates on what’s new with the PRCR department.
Public Notices
Receive notification for the following: Annexations, Board of Adjustment Variances or Appeal Cases, Major Site Plans, Rezoning R...Show More
Senior Adult Programs (55+)
Receive information on programming and events specifically for ages 55+, including information about the new senior center.
Specialized Recreation Programs
Learn more about programs and events designed for individuals with disabilities or special needs.
Transit Plans & Services
Sign up to receive news related to GoApex and other transit plans and services.