Q1: What does economic development mean to you?

Please pick the top two phrases from each grouping that best describes economic development.

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Improved parks and public spaces
Affordable housing options
Workforce training programs customized to available jobs
A variety of housing types to choose from
A reduced cost of living
Improved healthy activities
Mixed-use environments where someone can work, live, and play
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Attracting new businesses to the City
Helping existing businesses stay and grow in Cibolo
Improving policies and regulations to make Cibolo more business friendly
Providing support for entrepreneurs to start businesses
Making sure the City can pay for public services
Increasing marketing efforts to advertise local businesses
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Q2: What other economic development goals should the EDC consider? 

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Goal 1

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Goal 2

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Goal 3

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Q3: How would you prioritize the following economic development goals?

Rank each goal on a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being the lowest priority and 10 being the highest priority.

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Q4: How do you feel about future growth/change in Cibolo?

Please rank - Very Positive, Somewhat Positive, Neutral, Somewhat Negative, Very Negative

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Q5: What do you believe are Cibolo's economic development top strengths?

Please select your top five from the list below.

Programs to keep and attract businesses
Community events and festivals
Community support for businesses
Having diversity in residents and events
Diverse housing options and neighborhoods
The City's existing infrastructure (water, sewer, roads...)
The public education system
Downtown Cibolo
Access/proximity to San Antonio
Entrepreneur programs/opportunities
Diversity of employment opportunities
Parks, recreation facilities, and green space
Reputation as business friendly
Retail and restaurant options
Business tax rates
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Q6: What are Cibolo's top economic development challenges?

Please select your top five from the list below.

Programs to keep and attract businesses
Community events and festivals
Community support for businesses
Having diversity in residents and events
Diverse housing options and neighborhoods
The City's existing infrastructure (water, sewer, roads...)
The public education system
Downtown Cibolo
Access/proximity to San Antonio
Entrepreneur programs/opportunities
Diversity of employment opportunities
Parks, recreation facilities, and green space
Reputation as business friendly
Retail and restaurant options
Business tax rates
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Q7: Do you have a comment about different types of growth?

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Q8: How would you rate Cibolo's current market climate?

Please rank - Excellent, Very Good, Good, Fair, Poor, Very Poor, Don't Know

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Q9: What specific issue about Cibolo's market climate should the EDC be aware of?

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Q10: The following question focuses on understanding the type of growth you envision for specific areas of the City.

Please check the box for each type of development you feel is appropriate for that area of the City.

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Q11: Is there any other specific area within the City that you believe will experience growth that was not included in the previous question? If so, which type(s) of development do you feel would be appropriate for that area?

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Q12: Are there specific thoughts on land use you want the EDC to be aware of?

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Q13: How long have you been a resident of Cibolo?

No, I am a resident of...
Less than 1 year
1-5 years
6-10 years
11-20 years
More than 20 years
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Q14: How long have you worked in Cibolo?

No, I work in...
No, I am retired
Less than 1 year
1-5 years
6-10 years
11-20 years
More than 20 years
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Q15: How long have you owned a business in Cibolo?

No, I do not own a business in Cibolo
Less than 1 year
1-5 years
6-10 years
11-20 years
More than 20 years
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Q16: What is your age group?

Under 18 years old
18-25 years old
26-35 years old
36-45 years old
46-55 years old
56-65 years old
66-75 years old
Over 75 years old
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