What is a Comprehensive Plan?
What is a Comprehensive Plan?
This page provides information on what the Imagine Rocky Mount 2050 Comprehensive Plan is, what it intends to do, and the study area that the project intends to cover.
What is a Comprehensive Plan?
A Comprehensive Plan is a long-range planning document that establishes a publicly-shaped Vision for our City. The plan also provides goals, policies, actions, and implementation strategies that address land use, transportation, housing, economic development, and quality of life.
What is does a Comprehensive Plan do?
Where Are We Working?
Imagine Rocky Mount is a City-wide effort that touches every neighborhood in Rocky Mount. The planning process is designed to work across a wide-range of scales to ensure that the recommendations help address both the needs of the City and individual neighborhoods. Public engagement is the foundation for a community planning effort, so come help us Imagine Rocky Mount!