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Which of the following best describes you?

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What mode or or modes of transportation do you currently use most often to get around in Raleigh?

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What is the biggest factor that determines what mode of transportation you choose to use?

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In an ideal scenario, how would you prefer to move around the city?

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Which of the following types of policies would you like to see carried forward in the next comprehensive plan to help mitigate traffic congestion?

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Raleigh is likely to continue to grow. Please rank the ways you would like the city to invest to manage this growth over the next 20 years.

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Question title

Raleigh is currently studying how to improve connectivity between Downtown and Dix Park. Are there other "missing connections" that you think should be made?

Raleigh is currently studying how to improve connectivity between Downtown and Dix Park. Are there other missing connections that you think should be made?
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What innovative transportation ideas have you heard about in other cities that you would like to see in Raleigh?

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Are there transportation issues we haven't discussed that we should be addressing?

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Did you attend either of the community conversation events?

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How did you hear about the events and/or this survey?

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Is there anything else you would like to share with staff as we prepare Raleigh's Next Comprehensive Plan?

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If you'd like us to follow-up with you, please include your name and e-mail address.

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