Building the Broadway Brand

 The Department of Planning and Community Development (DPCD), is developing a district wayfinding campaign for Broadway to build a corridor  brand, create  sense of place for residents and visitors while generating awareness of its amenties,  facilities, and events that are all in walkable proximity. DPCD has retained the services of Gamble Associates and Omloop, Architects and Urban Planners to develop a wayfinding campaign for the corridor based on its north-south orientation.   

The final deliverables of the plan include,

  • Interactive parking lot and pedestrian wayfinding signage to  generate awareness of nearby businesses and other attractions in the corridor for the benefit of travelers to the area.
  • Paper and digital parking maps of the Broadway corridor with graphics that will highlight available parking amenities and their proximity to the district’s restaurants, shops, and historic and entertainment venues.
  • Gateway arrival signage strategically placed at both the north and southern end of the corridor.
  • District Discs – Signage Discs that will be placed along Broadway that separates the corridor into three geographical areas

- South Broadway Corridor RT 16 to Hyde Street

-Central Broadway Corridor Hyde Street to Cushman Avenue

-North Broadway Corridor Cushman Avenue to Brown Circle RT 60 Squire Road




The signage types in the Wayfinding Sign Family lineup provide examples of the signage that will be used along the corridor.



We are seeking feedback from the community to choose the final wayfinding design that will be used along the corridor as Advance Guide, Parking, Pedestrian and Vehicular Directional Signage. The examples represented in the Sign Study Lineup show examples of design  iterations for  wayfinding signage for Broadway with or without a pattern. Sign Study Lineup Examples



The photographs below provide examples of a Advance Guide (AG) Sign that would be placed at Route 60 and Route 16 to intercept drivers promoting Broadway's north and south entry points.

 Advance Guide Sign Example


Parking and Pedestrian Guides (PPG) would be placed at the parking lots located within or near the Broadway Corridor  or near amenties, facilities and attractions. 

Parking and Pedestrian Sign