24-ZONE3722 Johnstown Raw Water Pipeline 1041 Permit Application
24-ZONE3722 Johnstown Raw Water Pipeline 1041 Permit Application
The Town of Johnstown is proposing to construct a raw water system to convey raw water to the Town’s new water treatment plant (WTP). The proposed water conveyance system includes an upgraded pump station located at Lonetree Reservoir and approximately ten (10) miles of buried 30-inch diameter pressurized pipe capable of transmitting 21 million gallons of raw water per day (MGD).
Your name and email will be required to participate in this online portal for official comments. You can also email comments directly to: johnstown1041@publicinput.com or leave a voicemail at 855-925-2801 and enter 10970.
Comments will no longer be accepted after 12 PM on 3/10/2025 however you are welcome to attend the 3 PM BCC Public Hearing on 3/10 to provide comment in person or virtually through Zoom.
Information on 1041 Permits in general can be found here: https://www.larimer.gov/planning/1041-regulations.
Information on this specific application can be found here: https://onlineportal.larimer.org/EnerGov_Prod/SelfService#/plan/3ba3099c-3a8d-4d99-bb45-622e56f5ee50. Click on the "attachments" button to access the submittal documents.
Assistance with accessing information from the application portal can be found here: https://www.larimer.gov/citizen-self-serve-help#tab3.
Project Location