Question title

Alignment Review

Over the last 6 months, the Consultant Team has been completing an Existing Conditions Analysis of the Piedmont Pathway Corridor and collecting input about the corridor and ideas related to where the Piedmont Pathway should be located. Based on the information collected to date, below please find an interactive map with all the potential trail alignments identified through this process.

Please explore the potential trail alignments for the Piedmont Pathway. The four types of colored lines represent different typologies of the trail, based on the surrounding land uses. In some cases, there is only one potential alignment shown due to corridor constraints. In other cases, there are multiple potential routes through an area.

As you review the map, please provide location-specific feedback using the "Draw Line" and "Add Point" features in the upper right of the map. All feedback must be located within the 1-mile buffer of the corridor. Please add lines or points where you want to share input. Once you place a line or point, you will be able to add a description to provide some detail about your feedback. The goal is to hear from you which alignments you prefer, the alignments that you don't like or have concerns about, and potential alignments that the Consultant Team might have missed. Thank you for your time in reviewing this information!

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Project Phases

Phase 1 - Existing Conditions Assessment

The first phase involves collecting data on land ownership and conditions, including uses, floodplains, topography, and other relevant criteria. 

Phase 2 - Public Outreach

Public Outreach truly occurs throughout all phases of the project--if you're on this site you're participating in Public Outreach! Initial public meetings are expected to begin in November 2022 and continue into December. Additional meetings will occur starting in Spring 2023. The project is also receiving feedback from a Stakeholder Steering Committee of engaged residents. 

Public Meeting | Subarea 1

Thursday, February 16, 2023 | 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm

Best Friend Park Gym in Norcross

Public Meeting | Subarea 3

Monday, February 13, 2023 | 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm

Dacula Park Activity Building in Dacula

Public Meeting | Subarea 2

Thursday, February 9, 2023 | 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm

Rhodes Jordan Park Community Recreation Center in Lawrenceville

Phase 3 - Conceptual Plan and Analysis Development

After collecting existing conditions data and the initial public feedback on needs and priorities for the trail, the Conceptual Plan for the trail will be developed, including analysis of various alternatives. Potential alignments, amenities, and project phasing will all be developed. 

Phase 4 - Study Documentation

Following the second round of public meetings, the Study will be organized into a variety of documents and maps. 

Phase 5 - Final Deliverables

After review and feedback of the Study Documentation by the County and public, the final deliverables are completed

Question title

Please share any other thoughts, ideas, opportunities, or concerns that you would like the Project Team to be mindful of as we continue to complete the scoping study for the Piedmont Pathway.

Your privately-submitted comments:

People walking on trail