Southeast Sussex Study
Southeast Sussex Study
DelDOT has been aware of concerns expressed by local area residents and public/elected officials regarding increased traffic levels and safety along key transportation corridors west of Fenwick Island, such as SR 54, SR 20 and Bayard Road, especially during the summer months. DelDOT has been undertaking improvements at several key locations/ intersections along these corridors.
In order to evaluate existing condition area-wide traffic circulation patterns within the area west of Fenwick Island (generally comprising of Roxana, Bayard and Bunting) DelDOT is undertaking the Southeast Sussex Study (S3). The study will focus on identifying existing circulation issues, future growth potential and opportunities for operational, safety and infrastructure improvements for the study area.
The study area, shown above, includes the following roadways and intersections:
Study Roadway Segments
- SR 54 (Lighthouse Road) between W. Fenwick Blvd. and Hudson Road
- SR 20 between SR 54 and Bayard Road
- Bayard Road between SR 20 and Central Avenue
- Old Mill Bridge Road between Bayard Road and SR 54
Study Roadway Intersections
- SR 54 (Lighthouse Road) and Hudson Road
- SR 54 (Lighthouse Road) and W. Line Road
- SR 54 (Lighthouse Road) and SR 20 (Signalized)
- SR 54 (Lighthouse Road) and Old Mill Bridge Road
- SR 54 (Lighthouse Road) and W. Bluewater Run
- SR 54 (Lighthouse Road) and W. Fenwick Blvd (Signalized)
- SR 20 and Tidal Road.
- SR 20 and Bayard Road (Signalized)
- Bayard Road and Central Avenue
- Bayard Road and Double Bridge Road
- Bayard Road and Old Mill Bridge Road
- Old Mill Bridge Road and Herring Way
- Old Mill Bridge Road and Tidal Road
Question title
Please provide your thoughts on a center two-way left turn lane. The comment period will close on Friday, December 20, 2024.
DelDOT is reviewing a request to analyze the potential addition of a center two-way left turn lane along SR 54/Lighthouse Road beginning at Hudson Road and ending SR 20/Zion Church Road. The graphic provides an overview of items to consider. Please note that this specific request will be considered holisitically as a part of the other recommendations outlined in the report.
Thank you for participating in today's survey. Do you have time for just a few more questions?
Thank you!
Thank you for your time and interest in the FY 2026 Durham Transit Plan. You have successfully submitted your survey responses. They will be fully reviewed and considered.
Project Contact Information
Project Manager: Austin Gray
Email Address:
Phone: 855-925-2801
Code: 10851