South Park Heritage Walk Concept Design Survey
South Park Heritage Walk Concept Design Survey
The South Park Heritage Walk is a 2.6-mile cultural trail that connects historically significant sites within Raleigh’s Black community. We want to hear from you on how to prioritize design considerations for the South Park Heritage Walk!
In 2014, community-based groups identified focus areas and implementation strategies for the South Park Heritage Walk. These focus areas include:
Connectivity and walkability improvements - new or improved sidewalks, lighting, and mobility-related signage (speed limit, safety) and wayfinding signs that provide local information and direction.
Public space improvements - interpretive elements that tell a story of history and culture, furnishings, landscaping, public art, and interactive elements.
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Do you have any ideas to make it easier and safer to walk around the proposed South Park Heritage Walk? Use the pin to mark places that need extra attention.
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What areas do you feel should also be improved by art, signage, and other interpretive elements within public land. Or is there a place of significance that should be highlighted along the trail?
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Is there a place along the proposed South Park Heritage Walk route that reminds you of a personal story or experience?
Please share any relevant information in the comment box.
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If you would like to be contacted about your comments, please share you contact information (name/email/phone number).
If you do not wish to share your contact information below but want to share your story to the design team, please contact Dylan Bruchhaus at