Question title

What is your age?

Under 18
65 or over
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Question title

What is your gender?

Prefer not to say
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Question title

In which zip code do you currently reside?

This question is closed to responses.

Question title

What is your current work setting?

Work from home
Employed in an office or physical workplace
Self-employed or freelance
Hybrid Setting
Closed to responses

Question title

* Do you have an electric vehicle?

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Question title

If you answered "yes" to the previous question, what type of electric vehicle do you have?

Electric Vehicle
Plug-in Electric Vehicle (Hybrid)
Hybrid Vehicle
Other, please specify
Not applicable, I do not own an EV.
Closed to responses

Question title

If you answered "no", what are the main reasons preventing you from owning a vehicle?

Lack of charging infrastructure
Concern about the vehicle's range
Cost of electric vehicles
Other, please specify
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Question title

If you answered "no", would you be more likely to consider an EV if more charging stations were available?

Closed to responses

Question title

* If the cost of electric vehicles is a factor, what price are you comfortable paying for an electric vehicle?

Below $20,000
Between $20,000-$30,000
Between $30,000-$40,000
Between $40,000-$50,000
Over $50,000
Closed to responses

Question title

* How many total miles do you travel on average on a typical day?

Less than 5 miles
5-10 miles
10-25 miles
25-50 miles
50-100 miles
100 miles or more
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Question title

* If you owned an electric vehicle, would that change the distance you drive on a typical day?

Maybe, it depends.
Closed to responses

Question title

If you answered "yes" to the previous question, how much would you change the distance you drive?

Reduce my trips slightly.
Reduce my trips significantly.
Only affect long-distance travel (e.g., trips out of state, vacations, etc.)
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Question title

* How important are these attributes of public electric vehicle charging stations? (1 being not important at all, 5 being the most important)

Question title

What percentage of your electric charging occurs at the following locations?

Question title

If you use public charging stations, what percentage of your charging time is at the following types of chargers?

Question title

* Tell us where you currently travel or would travel with an electric vehicle.

Local Travel (Work, School Errands, etc.)
Longer trips across Rhode Island.
Southeastern Massachusetts (e.g., Taunton, Fall River, New Bedford)
Regional (Boston Area, Worcester Area, Eastern Connecticut, etc.)
Other New England destinations (Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, etc.)
Other, please specify
Closed to responses

Question title

* How long would you be willing to wait while charging an electric vehicle?

About 5 minutes or less (roughly the same time it takes to fill up a gas-powered car)
Up to 10 minutes
From 10 to 20 minutes
From 21 to 30 minutes
More than 30 minutes
Closed to responses

Question title

* What types of locations/services would you like to see near electric vehicle charging stations?

Retail & Shopping (Grocery Stores, Restaurants, Large Shopping Centers, Small Strip Malls, Convenience Stores)
Gas stations
Health and Wellness Locations (Medical Offices, Fitness Centers, Restrooms)
Residential Areas (Apartment Buildings, Condominiums, Mobile Developments)
Workplaces and Education (Schools, Office Parks, Financial Districts, etc)
Recreation and Leisure (Parks, Vending Machines, Wi-fi areas, etc.)
Hospitality and Accommodation (Hotels and Motels)
Transit services (e.g., bus, train, or ferry)
Closed to responses

Question title

If you're an EV driver, what are your preferred charging locations?

Always at home
Always at work
Grocery stores
Medical offices or hospitals
Apartment buildings
Condominium complexes
Mobile/Manufactured home parks or developments
Large shopping centers and malls
Small strip malls or plazas
Independent or "mom and pop" stores
Recreational areas (e.g., parks, beaches, campgrounds)
Transit stations (e.g., bus, train, or ferry)
Other, please specify
Closed to responses

Question title

* Where would you like to see a public electric vehicle charging station?

Loading Map

Question title

Where would you like to see a public electric vehicle charging station? Please feel free to use this text box instead of the map if it is easier for you.

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Question title

* Have you used public electric vehicle charging stations and if so did you face any challenges?

Yes. If so, please specify the challenge.
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Your privately-submitted comments:

Question title

* Do you have an electric vehicle charger installed at home?

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Question title

If yes, is it an outlet or an actual level 2 residential charger?

Standard outlet
Level 2 residential charger
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Question title

If no, do you intend to install an electric vehicle charger at home?

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Question title

If not, why not, and would a rebate program for residential chargers help?

I am not sure
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Question title

* Are you aware of the EV rebate program available in Rhode Island called, DRIVE EV RI? []?

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Your privately-submitted comments:

Question title

Do you have additional comments about expanding electric vehicle charging stations in Rhode Island?

Yes. If so, please specify.
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Your privately-submitted comments:

Question title

On a scale of 1-10, how satisfied are you with the availability of public charging stations in your area?

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Question title

What improvements do you suggest for the existing charging station infrastructure?

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Question title

What concerns, if any, do you have regarding the environmental impact of electric vehicles?

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Do you have any questions, feedback, comments, or concerns that you would like to address or share?

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Question title

* Are you a municipality, a Local Business and/or Non-Profit Group, or an Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment Manufacturer/Supplier?

Yes, I am a municipality.
Yes, I am a Local Businesses and/or Non-profit Group.
Yes, I am an EVSE Manufacturer/Supplier.
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