'24-'25 Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) | Public Review
'24-'25 Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) | Public Review
The GTC Planning Committee approved the draft operating plan and annual budget known as Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) and draft project list, as presented here, for public review at its meeting on January 11, 2024. The formal 30-day public review period will take place from January 15 through February 14, 2024.
The Genesee Transportation Council (GTC) is accepting public comment on its next operating plan and annual budget known as Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP.) A list of recommended transportation planning projects that GTC, its member agencies, and other municipalities in the 9-county Genesee-Finger Lakes Region will advance during the next fiscal year accompanies the document. The proposed plan and list of projects are available for public review and comment through February 14.
Activities include specific projects and ongoing tasks that reflect the vision of the Long Range Transportation Plan 2045 (LRTP). The types of work being recommended include active transportation plans, traffic management, freight corridor analysis, access management and other concepts to improve safety across all travel modes. Data-supported technical tasks such as land use monitoring, crash data analysis and population projections are incorporated to inform future decisions. The full list of candidate projects including descriptions, lead agency/sponsor, geographic location, and costs is available for public review.
Learn more about the UPWP, view the current year's Plan on the GTC website at www.gtcmpo.org/UPWP.
Submit Comments
Public input during the development of the UPWP is essential to make sure the process provides full and open access to all.
We encourage people to view the draft document either online or request a printed copy and tell us what you think. The formal public review period runs through February 14, 2024. Then, the GTC Planning Committee will review a revised version and recommend to the GTC Board for final consideration and adoption on February 29, 2024.
You have a variety of options to participate in the development of this Plan:
- Call (855) 925-2801 and enter Code: 6803 to leave a voice message in any language any time of day.
- Text UPWP24 to 73224.
- Respond to the question on this page.
- Send an e-mail message to GTCUPWP24@PublicInput.com
- Mail written comments to Genesee Transportation Council, 50 W. Main St. Suite 5131, Rochester, NY 14614
- Call the GTC office at 585-232-6240 x218 to share your thoughts or get more information.
Review Draft UPWP for 2024-2025
The complete Draft UPWP document highlights new projects along with continuing projects and programs. Detailed project budgets and general operating expenses are also presented.
'24-'25 UPWP Draft for Public Review
Review Draft Project List for 2024-2025
The Draft Project List only highlights funded and unfunded projects from the 2024-2025 Call for Project Partnerships.
Video Summary
The draft UPWP '24-'25 was presented to the GTC Planning Committee on January 11, 2024. A summary of the presentation is posted below.
GTC will provide accommodations for anybody who wishes to participate despite physical, developmental, or intellectual disabilities or proficiency in English. Please contact GTC at (585) 232-6240 x217 or send an email to contactgtc@gtcmpo.org to request a hardcopy be mailed to you or provided in another format, or to otherwise participate in this process.