You told us you would like rail service in Wake County. Here s what we can do.

To help us understand what’s important to you, we’d like you to share if you agree or disagree with a few statements.


After you’ve reviewed any statements, you’ll have the option to add your own for others to consider.

Consensus is a crowd-sourced prioritization tool built to help communities understand viewpoints that are shared across many people.

With a better understanding of what viewpoints are shared, we can start on common ground and work towards solutions that meet the greatest need.

Got it
You told us you want fast reliable connections between Raleigh and Durham. Here s what we can do:

To help us understand what’s important to you, we’d like you to share if you agree or disagree with a few statements.


After you’ve reviewed any statements, you’ll have the option to add your own for others to consider.

Consensus is a crowd-sourced prioritization tool built to help communities understand viewpoints that are shared across many people.

With a better understanding of what viewpoints are shared, we can start on common ground and work towards solutions that meet the greatest need.

Got it

Question title

We are working on lots of different projects that will improve transit in Wake County. Which approach do you think we should do first? Click on the image to learn more.

We are working on lots of different projects that will improve transit in Wake County. Which approach do you think we should do first? Click on the image to learn more.
Serve more people
Serve more places
Closed to responses

Before you go, can you tell us:

Question title

Your home zip code

This question is closed to responses.

Question title

How often do you currently use transit:

A lot
Closed to responses

Question title

Please select all that apply to you.

I live, work, and/or attend school in Wake County, NC.
My primary language is English, or I speak and read English well.
I am 17 years old or younger.
I am 18-24 years old.
I am 25–64 years old.
I am 65 years old or older.
I identify as female.
I identify as male.
I identify as non-binary or other gender.
I am or am considered to be disabled.
My household receives one or more of these benefits: Medicaid, TANF, SNAP, FNS, LIEAP, or similar
I am Hispanic, Latinx or Spanish origin of any race.
I represent a minority race or 2+ races (African American, Asian, South Asian, American Indian, Alaska Native, Middle Eastern, Hawaiian Pacific Islander)
Closed to responses

As a reminder, many projects and services have already been funded by the Wake Transit Plan and more are added every year. 

Thanks for sharing your ideas and thoughts! You can learn more about Wake Transit Plan projects using the following links. 

Bus Rapid Transit

Transit Service Span & Frequency

Building Transit Projects
Rail Service in Wake CountyMobility HubsSafe Access to Transit