Systemwide Parks and Recreation Master Plan Survey
Systemwide Parks and Recreation Master Plan Survey
Sow the seeds, shape the space: help us create the roadmap for Buncombe County recreational future. As part of the Buncombe County Systemwide Parks and Recreation Master Plan, County staff and their consultant team are seeking input as the County begins to identify park, recreation facility, greenway and trail, and open space needs and opportunities.
This voluntary survey will take approximately 10 minutes to complete. Your responses will be helpful for the planning team to learn about your preferences and usage as well as needs and priorities. We greatly appreciate your time and efforts to improve the quality of life in Buncombe County.
Learn more about Buncombe County Parks and Recreation here.
Parks & Recreation
Greenway & Trails
Open Space
Open Space is undeveloped – or minimally developed – land, conserved to protect natural and cultural resources, wildlife, increase quality of life, and provide public access to passive recreational activities.
Prioritization Questions
Question title
Which community do you live in?
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What is your age?
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Are any members of your household under the age of 18?
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Which of the following best describes you?
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Which of the following best describes you?
Question title
Are any members of your household disabled (e.g., physical, cognitive, mental, sensory, emotional development, or some combination of these) ?
Buncombe County Parks
- Buncombe County Sports Park
- Lake Julian
- Charles D. Owen Park
- Hominy Valley Park
- Collier Cove Nature Preserve
River Parks
- Corcoran Paige River Park
- Alexander River Park
- Bent Creek River Park
- Glenn Bridge River Park
- Hominy Creek River Park
- Ledges Whitewater Park
- Walnut Island River Park
- Karpen Soccer Fields
- North Buncombe Fields
- Erwin Pool
- Hominy Valley Pool
- North Buncombe Pool
- Owen Pool
- Cane Creek Pool
County Owned Community Centers
- Big Ivy Community Center
- Sandy Mush Community Center
- Bent Creek Community Center