Question title

Generally, what frequency do you visit Buncombe County parks?

Once a year
A few times a year
Once a month
A few times a month
Multiple times a week
I do not typically visit Buncombe County parks
Closed to responses

Question title

How do you typically like to visit Buncombe County parks? (select all that apply)

With family
With my dog(s) or support animal(s)
With friends or others
I typically do not visit Buncombe County parks
Closed to responses

Question title

How would you rate the overall quality of Buncombe County's parks and recreation facilities you have visited in the last 12 months?

Not sure
I have not visited Buncombe County parks in the last 12 months.
Closed to responses
Your privately-submitted comments:

Question title

Have you or members of your household participated in an event or recreation program (sports, recreation, educational, etc.) offered by Buncombe County during the last 12 months?

Not sure
Closed to responses

Question title

Approximately how many different events or programs offered by Buncombe County have you or members of your household participated in over the past 12 months?

1 program or event
2-3 programs or events
4-7 programs or events
7-12 programs or events
13+ programs or events
I and/or members of my household do not participate in Buncombe County events or programs.
Closed to responses

Question title

What days and times do you most frequently participate or visit Buncombe County parks? (Select all that apply)

Weekday morning
Weekday daytime
Weekday evening
Weekend morning
Weekend daytime
Weekend evening
Closed to responses

Question title

Do you feel there is sufficient parks and/or publicly accessible open space within walking or biking distance of your residence?

Not sure
Closed to responses

Question title

How would you define 'walking distance'?

1/8 mile or 2–3-minute walk
1/4 mile or 5-minute walk
1/2 mile or 10-minute walk
1 mile or 20-minute walk
1-1/2 miles or 30-minute walk
Greater than 1-1/2 miles or a 30-minute walk
Closed to responses

Question title

Select ALL reasons that prevent you or other members of your household from visiting parks, trails, open space, or participating in recreation programs or events in Buncombe County?

Park, trail, open space, or facilities are too far from residence.
Lack of restrooms.
Trails have gaps or do not connect to destinations needed
Lack of sidewalk access.
I do not have time to visit parks, trails, or open space, or participate.
Security is insufficient/loitering.
I do not know what is offered.
Program or facility is not offered.
Lack of accessibility or parking.
Use private facilities.
Lack of public transportation.
I do not know location of parks, trails, open spaces, or facilities
Parks, trails, or facilities are not well maintained.
Operating hours are not convenient.
Physical health limitations.
Poor customer service by staff.
Lack of lighting.
Closed to responses

Parks & Recreation 

Question title

What are your five (5) most important amenities you desire in a park?

Paved Trails (hiking or biking)
Unpaved trails (hiking)
Nature enjoyment or observation areas
Multipurpose fields (soccer, football, lacrosse, etc.)
Baseball/softball fields (adult or youth)
Pickleball courts
Tennis courts
Basketball courts
Beach volleyball
Community gardens
Stage or amphitheater
Dog park
Outdoor event space (family movie night, etc.)
Indoor community or event rental space
Fitness center
Playground (tot lot, barrier free, natural play, etc.)
Splash pad or interactive water feature
Outdoor swimming pool
Disc golf course
Pump track (bicycle)
Eating or event pavilions
Open lawn space (for yoga, events, etc.)
Mountain biking trail or course
Outdoor exercise stations
Closed to responses

Question title

Which of the following activities would you like to participate in? (Select all that apply)

Exercising outdoors
Outdoor eating spaces
Walking (paved trails or paths)
Visiting/observing wildlife or birdwatching
Fishing (fly or spin)
Hiking (unpaved trails)
Biking (paved)
Kayaking, canoeing, or rowing
Camping (tent/primitive)
Adventure recreation (mountain biking, climbing, trail running)
Skateboarding or inline skating
Disc golf
Track and field
Yoga, Pilates, or Zumba
Baseball/tee ball
Flag/tackle football
Inclusion programs
Special events/festivals
Day camp (summer/TWD)
Visiting dog park
Visiting playground
Swimming for fun
Water fitness or therapeutic swimming
Competition/diving/lap swimming
Learning to swim
Closed to responses

Greenway & Trails 

Question title

What amenities do you desire most along greenways and trails? (select all that apply)

Parking areas/trailheads
Transit connections
Guided/volunteer tours
Rest areas/shelters
Eating Areas
Bike repair station
Bicycle/skate rental
Shaded seating for socializing
Educational signage
Drinking fountain/bottle filler
Pet clean-up stations
Food and beverage concessions
Wildlife observation areas
Native plantings
Charging stations
Emergency call boxes
Sign kiosks/maps
Closed to responses

Question title

What improvements to greenway and trails are most important to you and your household? (select all that apply)

Build more greenways and trails.
Build more sidewalks and connectors to greenways and trails.
Build more bike lanes.
Build more mode separated trails (cyclist and pedestrian separate)
Improve overall maintenance of greenways and trails.
Improve visibility and safety (sight lines and emergency call boxes)
Improve surface of existing trails
Improve digital and print information and maps.
Improve existing street crossings.
Improve volunteering opportunities.
Add lighting.
Add more seating and/or rest stops options.
Add more user amenities such as bike repair, benches, trash receptacles, picnic tables)
Add more destinations along route such as fishing, wildlife observation, etc.)
Add restrooms.
Add more landscape (native)
Add more signage and wayfinding.
Add more public art.
Add more events or programming along greenway or trail routes.
Closed to responses

Open Space 

Open Space is undeveloped – or minimally developed – land, conserved to protect natural and cultural resources, wildlife, increase quality of life, and provide public access to passive recreational activities.

Question title

How do you like to enjoy open space in Buncombe County? (select all that apply)

I enjoy the visual aesthetic of the open spaces.
I value recreation opportunities within natural open spaces.
I support preservation of agricultural and other productive open spaces.
I support conservation and protection of natural resources.
I value protecting historical and cultural resources.
I value environmental restoration of open spaces.
I support volunteering for the long-term stewardship of open spaces.
I value open space as a tourism-related asset for our community.
Closed to responses

Question title

Which actions would you most like to see implemented by Buncombe County? (select all that apply)

Target areas for open space preservation that balance rural landowners and the public.
Focus on preserving agricultural lands.
Focus on protecting lands with native wildlife and plants, forests, and historic spaces.
Focus on acquiring new lands for open space and public use.
Partner with landowners to protect rural lands with conservation easements.
Create a complete inventory of open space quality, wildlife habitats, and cultural resources.
Closed to responses

Prioritization Questions

Question title

What are the most important outcomes you would like to see from the Systemwide Parks and Recreation Master Plan? (select all that apply)

Improve physical and mental well-being by improving existing sports facilities and creating new ones to support sports, leagues, and active recreation courts and fields.
Develop new parks and flexible facilities with the future in mind.
Improve variety, quality, and accessibility of recreation opportunities.
Expand partnerships (local, state, and federal) to improve the entire parks system.
Recognize recreation opportunities for their economic and quality of life benefits.
Prioritize recreation opportunities close to more populated areas.
Improve and expand Buncombe County park facilities and greenways.
Invest strategically when creating new recreational opportunities and developing new parks/facilities.
Preserve connected land areas to protect resources for the future.
Identify, protect, and restore open lands focusing on ecology and resource-based industries.
Incorporate natural and cultural heritage in Buncombe County parks and trails.
Increase accessibility and transportation options through a network of greenways and trails.
Highlight Buncombe County's unique rural and heritage experiences through trail development.
Closed to responses

Question title

Please use this section to share any comments or suggestions about Buncombe County parks, recreation facilities, recreation programs or special events, greenways, trails, or open space.

Your privately-submitted comments:
Closed for Comments

Question title

Which community do you live in?

Unincorporated Buncombe County
City of Asheville
Town of Woodfin
Town of Weaverville
Town of Black Mountain
Town of Montreat
Town of Biltmore Forest
Big Ivy
Emma Community
Flat Creek
Sandy Mush
I am NOT a resident of Buncombe County
Closed to responses

Question title

What is your age?

Under 18
Over 75
Prefer not to answer
Closed to responses

Question title

Are any members of your household under the age of 18?

Closed to responses

Question title

Which of the following best describes you?

American Indian or Alaska Native
Black or African American
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
Closed to responses

Question title

Which of the following best describes you?

Hispanic or Latino
Not Hispanic or Latino
Closed to responses

Question title

Are any members of your household disabled (e.g., physical, cognitive, mental, sensory, emotional development, or some combination of these) ?

Closed to responses

Buncombe County Parks​

  • Buncombe County Sports Park
  • Lake Julian
  • Charles D. Owen Park
  • Hominy Valley Park
  • Collier Cove Nature Preserve

River Parks

  • Corcoran Paige River Park
  • Alexander River Park
  • Bent Creek River Park
  • Glenn Bridge River Park
  • Hominy Creek River Park
  • Ledges Whitewater Park
  • Walnut Island River Park


  • Karpen Soccer Fields
  • North Buncombe Fields


  • Erwin Pool
  • Hominy Valley Pool
  • North Buncombe Pool
  • Owen Pool
  • Cane Creek Pool

County Owned Community Centers

  • Big Ivy Community Center
  • Sandy Mush Community Center
  • Bent Creek Community Center

Click on the image below to learn more about the Open Space Bond. 

Open Space Bond Greenways Conservation and Recreation