Enhanced centralized process around KPIs within and across departments

Initiative Statement

By March 2024, a standardized set of performance indicators and a plan for collecting and updating performance data will be developed to enable holistic process management and assess value to customers.

Initiative Complete

Milestone ChecklistStatus
Inventory and assess limitations of existing metrics.  box checked with green check mark
Develop and select list of ideal key performance indicators. box checked with green check mark
Define chosen measures.box checked with green check mark
Create prototype dashboard.box checked with green check mark
Solicit stakeholder feedback.box checked with green check mark
Finalize recommendations and secure interdepartmental approval.box checked with green check mark
Launch new performance indicators.box checked with green check mark


Impact Statement

Leveraging key performance indicators based on dependable and replicable data will empower the City and the community to make informed decisions, enhancing the ability to address challenges both in real-time and over extended periods through trend analysis.


Estimated Completion Date

March 2024


Initiative Owner

Kyle Boisjoli


Initiative Team Member Departments

Austin Energy
Austin Fire
Austin Water
Communications & Technology Management
Development Services
Parks and Recreation
Transportation & Public Works
Watershed Protection

Question title

We encourage you to submit feedback and ask questions on these pages, and we will add more information as the initiatives progress.