Previous Engagement

Midtown: From Ideas to Action

The Midtown-St. Albans area plan is focused on making Midtown an even better place as it grows and evolves. This survey is designed to help us prioritize proposed improvements for the area, including projects...

Midtown-St. Albans - Choosing a Path

Introduction You’ve talked and we listened: We’ve heard that the Midtown area is great, but that addressing some issues could make it even better. This quick survey is divided into topics...

Midtown St. Albans - Eligiendo un camino

Introducción Según los comentarios del público, la zona de Midtown es excelente pero resolver ciertos problemas podría mejorarla. Esta encuesta rápida se divide en los...

Midtown-St. Albans Area Plan Survey

The Midtown-St. Albans Area Plan is focused on examining issues and opportunities in the Midtown area. This survey will help us prioritize these issues based on your feedback. Thank you for your participation!

Midtown-St. Albans Encuesta de planes

El Midtown-St. Plan de Área Albans se centra en examinar los problemas y las oportunidades en el área de Midtown. Esta encuesta nos ayudará a priorizar los temas en base...