
There are three parts to this public engagement opportunity for the North Oakland Street NCS Project:

  1. Project Background and Goals
    • Why this project? Why now? We answer these questions below.
  2. What We Heard & Questions About You
    • See what we heard in the early spring existing conditions engagement.
    • Share a little bit about you.
  3. Concept Design & Your Feedback
    • See the concept design and its features.
    • Share your thoughts on the design.

This engagement opportunity is open through May 27, 2024. Your feedback will help finalize the plan, along with other available information, such as plan guidance and crash data. Thank you for helping improve our projects to better meet your needs!

Concept Design Presentation

Project Basis

Planning guidance from this project comes from the following County Board-adopted plans and policies:

Master Transportation Plan

  • Streets Element: The Complete Street policy informs the scope of this project to improve safety for all road users by providing a complete sidewalk where none currently exists.

Vision Zero

  • Vision Zero policies call on County staff and the Arlington community to take a proactive approach to safety in order to eliminate severe and fatal crashes from our transportation network by 2030. This segment of North Oakland Street was awarded points consistent with the NCS Project Ranking Guidelines for the history of crashes with injuries. Completing the street will provide a safer experience for those traveling on North Oakland.

Neighborhood Complete Streets

  • The Neighborhood Complete Streets (NCS) program was established by the Arlington County Board in January 2016 to address safety and access problems on local (non-arterial) streets through physical improvement projects. The Neighborhood Complete Streets Commission was chartered to advise the County Board on the NCS program and make recommendations for projects to fund. This project has arisen following the guidelines of the program, with the oversight of the Neighborhood Complete Streets Commission.

More information available on the project page.