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Please use the space below to provide feedback for the Safe Fencing Regulations Engagement

Closed for Comments

Safe Fencing Regulations: January 18, 2023 Virtual Engagement

Thank you for your interest in Safe Fencing Regulations. Please follow the instructions below to attend the virtual session on January 18. Event DetailsDateJanuary 18, 2023Time10...

Safe Fencing Regulations: January 19, 2023 In-Person Engagement

Thank you for your interest in Safe Fencing Regulations. Please follow the instructions below to attend the in-person session on January 19. Event DetailsDateJanuary 19, 2023Time6...

Frequently Asked Questions

This proposal would prohibit the construction of several types of fences in Austin. The proposal includes prohibition of the following features in all new fences six feet in height or less:

  • Spiked pickets, spiked bars or other spiked decorative elements above the top horizontal backer rail
  • Vertical picket spacing between 2 – 9 inches above the top horizonal backer rail 
  • Fences that create a substantial risk of entrapment or impalement as determined by the City also prohibited

This proposal would exempt the several types of fences in Austin from being regulated by the proposed ordinance. Several examples of exempt fences are:

  • Repair/ replacement of existing fences where less than a 100% is being repaired or replaced
  • Fences over six feet in height
  • Fences classified as historic by the Historic Landmark Commission