What is a Senior Center? Today’s senior centers are vibrant, action-packed community focal points where older persons come together for fitness, education, nutrition, volunteerism, socialization, and recreation.  


Senior centers across the nation serve adults aged 50 and older providing a warm and welcoming environment to engage with their peers and to connect with other vital community services. Hillsborough County Aging Services operates seven nationally accredited senior centers across the county that are an important element of healthy aging by preventing social isolation and delivering a range of services and programs to keep older adults healthy, happy, and independent 


Your input is important to us. Please complete the survey and let us know your thoughts.  





Question title

Are you aware of Hillsborough County's senior centers?

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Question title

Have you visited a senior center? (please select which senior center you visit frequently)

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Question title

If you have visited, what were your reasons for visiting? (select all that apply)

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Question title

How satisfied are you with the physical site of the senior center (ex: cleanliness, lighting, temperature, attractiveness of center)?

Select a response

Question title

If you have not visited, explain why you have not visited a senior center.

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Question title

Do you know what services and programs the senior centers provide?

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Question title

How often do you participate in recreational activities at the senior center?

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Question title

What type of senior activities or programs would you participate in? (Please rank the following in order of importance with #1 being the most important.)

Question title

Are there services or events you have heard about in other communities that you would like to see at your location?



The following demographic questions are optional.

We would really appreciate your response to ensure we are reaching all segments of our community with our outreach efforts.

If you do not want to answer these demographic questions, please scroll to the end of this page and click 'Submit'.

We thank you for your participation!

Question title

What is your gender?

Select a response

Question title

What is your age range?

Select a response

Question title

What is your race/ethnicity?

Select a response

Question title

What is your marital status?

Select a response

Question title

The contact information below is optional. Complete the fields below if you would like to participate in future engagement opportunities to share your input on key topics.
Visit to learn about outreach and listening efforts that shape the future of our community.