ODOT D4 is beginning the engineering design to provide safety improvements on U.S. 224 from State Route 7 (Market Street) to Tiffany Boulevard in Boardman Township in Mahoning County. The proposed project would add capacity, improve signalized intersections, and reduce unsignalized access points along the project corridor.

Purpose & Need

The purpose of the project is to improve safety and reduce congestion on the corridor. Need elements for the project are based, in part, on the following:

  • The corridor is listed on ODOT’s Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) List for Prioirty Segments and select intersections are listed on the HSIP Priority Intersections List.  Additionally, 6 intersections along the corridor are ranked in the top 50 of the Governor’s Safety Priority List.
  • During the five-year period used in the safety study, nearly 1,900 crashes were identified.
  • Over 30% of crashes resulted in a reported injury, and three resulted in fatalities.  There were 12 pedestrian and bicycle-related crashes.
  • The primary crash types reported were rear-end (60%), left turn (14%), and sideswipe-passing (11%).  These crash types are often related to congestion and left turning movements.

Public Involvement

ODOT solicited public input on the recommended alternatives for the proposed improvements along the corridor.  Public input is an important part of the project process and will be used to help guide decision-making.  A virtual public open house was open from January 29 through March 1, 2024 (see the "VIRTUAL OPEN HOUSE" tab for more information).  Questions and comments may be submitted anytime to Sean Carpenter (see the "COMMENTS" tab for more information).

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Project Contact  

If you have any questions, please contact:

Sean Carpenter
District Environmental Specialist
ODOT District 4

2088 S. Arlington Road
Akron, OH 44306