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How far away do you live from the park?

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After the Metz Playscape Replacement Project began, students at Mendez Recreation Center were inspired to create their own two-question survey focused on play amenities and theme ideas. As primary users of the playscape, they received enthusiastic support from PARD staff. The student survey gathered over 70 responses, which were combined with 31 responses from an online survey (Survey #1). The questions for Metz Playscape Replacement Survey #2 are based on the results of both the student-led and online surveys. We are proud of the students' efforts and grateful for the community's civic participation.

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Themed playscapes come in a wide variety of options, and is something PARD is exploring for the future playscape. Based on the top themes from the Round #1 surveys, we have narrowed it down to four possible options. Please rank these choices from your favorite to least favorite.

Four possible playscape themes are shown: Candy Jungle Dinosaur and Longhorns

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If a strictly themed playscape is not possible due to budget, time, or material constraints, PARD staff will instead focus on incorporating colors in the new playscape inspired by the kids' favorite themes. Please rank the following options from your favorite to least favorite.

Four possible color palettes are shows: candy colors jungle colors dinosaur colors and Longhorn colors.

A few important pieces of information about the project. The new playscape will be located in the same location as the current playscape and will be providing new play features. In addition, the project will also provide shade structures and some additional benches in this area of the park.

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PARD staff will include as many play features as possible in the new playscape. Please help us prioritize by ranking the following options from your favorite to least favorite.

Four play amenities are shown: swings with a two-person swing zip line type feature climbing structure spinning feature

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Nature play areas are designed to connect children with the natural environment through play. These spaces often incorporate natural elements to encourage physical activity, creativity, and environmental stewardship. By incorporating nature play, we aim to foster a deeper appreciation for the environment and create meaningful, enjoyable play experiences for children of all ages. Below are some examples of nature play elements. Please rank your choices from favorite to least favorite.

Three examples of nature play are shown: logs for seating a play hill made from wooden logs and stumps for jumping.

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What City Council District do you live in?

If you are unsure, you can use the Council District Map:

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How did you hear about the project?

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What is your age range?

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Do you have children under the age of 18 who live with you?

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What is your race/ethnicity?

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What is your annual household income?

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What language is spoken at home?

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