Metz Playscape Replacement Survey #2
Metz Playscape Replacement Survey #2
This project will replace the existing play structures in order to provide enhanced opportunities for play. The new playscape will be situated in the same location as the existing playscape. Currently, the Metz Playscape is a traditional play structure and a swing set with belt & tot swings. This survey will help the Austin Parks and Recreation Department (PARD) make an informed decision on what new play opportunities are desired at Metz Neighborhood Park. Your feedback will inform the design team on what you want to see in your park! All questions are optional.
After the Metz Playscape Replacement Project began, students at Mendez Recreation Center were inspired to create their own two-question survey focused on play amenities and theme ideas. As primary users of the playscape, they received enthusiastic support from PARD staff. The student survey gathered over 70 responses, which were combined with 31 responses from an online survey (Survey #1). The questions for Metz Playscape Replacement Survey #2 are based on the results of both the student-led and online surveys. We are proud of the students' efforts and grateful for the community's civic participation.
A few important pieces of information about the project. The new playscape will be located in the same location as the current playscape and will be providing new play features. In addition, the project will also provide shade structures and some additional benches in this area of the park.