Help Make Our Roads and Streets Safer! Where do you feel unsafe when you are traveling in your area? Do you have ideas about how to make it safer? Tell us what you think!


A public survey is being conducted for the four Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) in New Hampshire – generally covering the Merrimack Valley and Seacoast areas as follows:

  • Nashua Regional Planning Commission (NRPC)
  • Rockingham Planning Commission (RPC)
  • Southern New Hampshire Planning Commission (SNHPC)
  • Strafford Regional Planning Commission (SRPC)

Map of the four New Hampshire MPOs

The survey will take about 7-15 minutes to complete, and all responses are kept confidential. Please complete your survey by 07/14/2024. We appreciate your participation!


This survey is intended to inform the development of Regional Safety Action Plans. The MPOs will be assisted by the consultant, VHB, throughout the process.


These plans are funded through a Safe Streets and Roads for All grant from the Federal Highway Administration. The grant requires that local communities follow the Safe System Approach, which sets a goal of zero deaths or serious injuries on roadways. In 2023, there were 129 roadway fatalities in New Hampshire.


Our goal with the survey is to gather insights about your experiences with transportation and traffic safety in the Merrimack Valley and Seacoast regions. When complete, the plans will help to improve roadway safety by identifying risks, developing safety strategies, and providing a framework to access funding opportunities.


For more information, please contact Frank Koczalka, VHB Project Manager at

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How do you typically get around for daily travel or errands? Select up to three of the following options that best represent your typical ways of getting around:

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How safe you feel while traveling in each of the following ways:

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If you drive regularly for most or all of your trips, what prevents you from walking or bicycling more often? (Select your top 3 barriers to walking or biking)

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Have you or someone you know been involved in a traffic crash within the region of this study. If yes, could you share more about this experience in the comment box below? For instance, were you in a car, on foot, or on bike? Were you driving? Were there injuries, etc.? Any comments received are hidden and will not be publicly displayed.

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