Question title

Does this road segment experience stormwater flooding? Stormwater is rainwater or water from melting snow or ice.

I do not know
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Cherie Erbrickplease make every effort to minimize road closures during school drop off and pickup times. I believe the following are the times for the bus routes on South Mobley: Elementary school bus times start at 6:40, Smith Middle is around 9 AM, and Walker Middle and Sickles high schoo...See More
ReplyAgreeone year ago
As lakefront property owners, our primary concerns regarding this project are protecting the health & water quality of Lake Maurine from any negative effects of the drainage. County needs to explain how any lake impacts from pollution from will be addressed? How is the discha...See More
ReplyAgreeone year ago

Question title

* Is your residence, work, or property on this road segment? (This question determines if we ask you additional questions about utilities.)

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