Thanks for your interest in Mobile GR's Micromobility Affordability Program.


Lime Access users enrolled in this program will receive up to 5 FREE 30-minute Lime trips per day for the program period. That's a savings of up to $25 per day!


NOTE: Before completing this survey, you must have the Lime app downloaded on your smartphone and have an active user account.


Your confidential data will be shared with researchers at McGill University for analysis purposes.

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* What is your phone number?

Make sure this is the same phone number on your Lime account! We will not be able to enroll you in the Affordability Program if you provide a different phone number that isn’t used for your Lime account.

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* Have you previously applied for the Lime Access program?

Select a response

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What modes of transportation do you have access to?

Please select all that apply

Select a response

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* In the last year, about how often did you use the following modes for utilitarian trips?

Examples: Commuting to work or school, running errands, meeting friends or family, etc.

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* What types of trips have you taken on a shared bike or scooter in Grand Rapids?

Please select all that apply

Select a response

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* What challenges or obstacles have you experienced when trying to take a ride or when riding a shared bike or scooter?

Please select all that apply

Select a response

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Do you have any other feedback about shared bikes and scooters in Grand Rapids?