Project Background

For more detailed information about this project and how we got here today, please visit the project webpage.

Project Origin

  • Several adopted plans recommend trail improvements along the corridor
  • The FY2022-24 Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) allocated $200,000 for an engineering feasibility study for the Arlington Boulevard Multi-Use Trail
  • Study commenced Spring 2022
  • This is the second public engagement checkpoint


Project Goals

  • Develop design concepts for improving existing sections of the trail, such as widening key pinch points and removing barriers and obstructions
  • Identify the preferred routing and associated improvements at intersections and crossings, including but not limited to:
    • Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) accessibility
    • Update to meet or exceed the MTP-recommended trail width
    • Remove barriers and obstructions along the trail
    • Provide direct path access and connections where feasible


Planning Guidance

  • Master Transportation Plan
    • Goals and Policies
    • Bike Element
    • Pedestrian Element
  • Public Spaces Master Plan
    • Trails
  • Vision Zero Action Plan