About You

Question title

Do you live or work in Skagit County? (Choose one)

I live in Skagit County
I work in Skagit County
I do not live or work in Skagit County
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Question title

Please share where you live in Skagit County using the zip codes provided below.

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Question title

Do you own or lease farmland in Skagit County?

I own farmland
I lease farmland
I don't own or lease farmland, but I am seeking opportunities to do so in Skagit County
No, I do not own or lease farmland, and I do not want to
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Agritourism Goals

The County has developed some goals for the agritourism policy options to guide how policies and code could be updated. 

Question title

One main goal of Agritourism has been that any Agritourism activity should be an accessory use to the main agricultural use. The purpose of this goal is to ensure no loss of productive farmland at the expense of agritourism. Do you agree with this goal?

Yes, I agree with the goal that any agritourism activity should be an accessory use to the main agricultural use.
No, I disagree with the goal that any agritourism activity should be an accessory use to the main agricultural use.
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Question title

In your opinion, how can the county preserve farmland while allowing for agritourism? (Please select one response that best represents your opinion)

Allow agritourism only as accessory to farming
Allow agritourism in rural areas but not on long-term farmland
Allow agritourism on lots that are unfarmable
Agritourism will not help with the preservation of farmland
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Agritourism Options

State laws and County comprehensive plan policies support agricultural lands protection, limited accessory agricultural uses, and protection of rural character. Agritourism uses may be allowed if they are compatible with the onsite agricultural use (size, scale, intensity) and if located in an already developed area or if less than 1 acre in size. Please share your thoughts on allowing the following activities in agricultural or rural residential areas.

Wedding Facilities 

Currently, the County does not permit wedding facilities in agricultural lands. Some counties allow wedding activities in existing barns or as temporary uses limiting size and frequency. Weddings may attract around 250 guests on average per event. Depending on if is a temporary or year-round activity there could be 6,000-13,000 visitors per year.

Question title

Weddings should not be permitted under any kind of permit in the Ag-NRL zone.

Yes, I agree
No, I do not agree
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Question title

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Question title

Weddings should be allowed if permitted as a special event and limited in number of events and size of events, and proper infrastructure to support a wedding is onsite.

Yes, I agree
No, I do not agree
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Tasting Rooms or Restaurants

In Skagit County, currently, restaurants and wineries, breweries, or tasting rooms are allowed in several urban zones, rural commercial zones, or rural industrial zones, but not in agricultural resource zones or rural residential zones.

In Washington State, the typical size for tasting rooms varies from less than 100 square feet to over 2,000 square feet. Visitors could range up to 12,000 annually. Restaurants that offer seating are typically smaller than 5,000 square feet. Their number of visitors could be similar to that or greater.

Question title

Skagit County should continue its current policies and codes that do not allow tasting rooms or restaurants on land zoned for agricultural or rural residential purposes.

Yes, I agree
No, I do not agree
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Question title

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Question title

Allow an accessory tasting room if it is subject to a special use permit, which would allow for temporary events, noticed to nearby property owners, and other permit requirements are met to ensure safety and proper infrastructure. Periodic renewal of the permit would be required and a report to verify compliance.

Yes, I agree
No, I do not agree
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Question title

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Question title

Allow accessory tasting rooms if the tasting room is sized in proportion to the acres of on-site grapes/hops/fruit grown (e.g. small room if 10 acres grown onsite, or moderate size room if at least 20-40 acres grown). Please choose two options below.

Yes, I agree small tasting rooms should be allowed
No, I do not agree that small tasting rooms should be allowed
Yes, I agree moderate tasting rooms should be allowed
No, I do not agree that moderate tasting rooms should be allowed
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Question title

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Question title

Allow limited food service only to an already allowed accessory farm stand or farm-based business as a take-out only use. An example would be a drive thru coffee (or other food or beverage) stand with no seating.

Yes, I agree
No, I do not agree
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Question title

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Question title

Allow food service if the accessory restaurant is subject to a special use permit, which means that food service would be temporary and limited to special events. All permit requirements for proper infrastructure and notice would be included.

Yes, I agree
No, I do not agree
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Question title

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Question title

Allow restaurants or tasting rooms as a primary use if the subject property is rezoned to a commercial zone, on a case by case basis, after a public hearing and noticed to property owners.

Yes, I agree
No, I do not agree
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Question title

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Changing Existing Agritourism Allowances


Farm Stands, U-Pick

Skagit County allows farm stands called “seasonal roadside stands” in most rural and resource zones and sized to be between 300 and 5,000 square feet. They may have up to 500 visitors a year by themselves.

U-pick and farm tours are allowed as accessory uses to farm in most rural and resource zones. Studies have shown that over half of customers of farm stands are local. U-pick operations could support about 400-2,000 customers per year. Farm tours could attract up to 2,000 visitors per year depending on seasonal use.

The County is considering how to improve the review and permitting of these uses.

Question title

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Question title

Make no changes to the code in regards to farm stands and u-pick. These are allowed in most rural resource zones.

Yes, I agree
No, I do not agree
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Question title

Simplify the current permit process for farm stands and u-pick to make it easier, but do not change the regulations.

Yes, I agree
No, I do not agree
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Question title

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Question title

Update the design standards for u-pick and farmstands by either (a) only allowing for it to be developed in an area that has the needed parking and infrastructure (to ensure no loss of farmland) or (b) allow development of infrastructure if it has minimal impact on the environment - environmentally and on loss of farmland.

Yes, I agree with option (a)
No, I do not agree with option (a)
Yes, I agree with option (b)
No, I do not agree with option (b)
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Question title

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Farm Stays

Skagit County allows bed and breakfast operations with administrative special use permits. Similar uses include farm stays, which are accommodations on a working farm. A type of overnight stay that is not addressed in the Skagit County Code is a temporary farm stay with a recreation vehicle (RV) popularized by Harvest Hosts. 

Question title

Continue to allow bed and breakfasts as a permanent accessory hospitality activity, subordinate to the farm use.

Yes, I agree
No, I do not agree
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Question title

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Question title

Allow temporary farm stays. This includes RV or other camping or temporary stays.

Yes, I agree
No, I do not agree
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Question title

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Question title

Allow temporary farm stays if there are limited days of visits (e.g. max stay of 30 days) or there are limited number of RVs (no more than 1-2 vehicles) or they are operated to be low impact (no development of new infrastructure is needed to support them).

Yes, I agree
No, I do not agree
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Question title

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Seasonal Events – Festivals, Farm to Table, Farm Tours

Seasonal festivals may celebrate harvest and other agricultural activities. In Skagit County, the festival of farms has attracted 20,000 attendees and the Tulip Festival 300,000.

Skagit County allows festivals and events with administrative special use permits, and special temporary use standards. Temporary events must have parking fully contained onsite, and not use of any road right-of-way. This could be a concern for damage to agricultural soils; a shuttle service to the event could be used.

A Farm to Table event is a smaller and can average 130-200 people per event. Some smaller events could potentially be permitted as an accessory use with a programmatic permit.

Question title

Continue the current temporary activity regulations that allow some festivals and events but a limited number of events.

Yes, I agree
No, I do not agree
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Question title

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Question title

Reduce the number of special events permitted no less than what the code currently permits. Also reduce the size of events to smaller than what is permitted. Please select two options below.

Yes, number of events should be reduced
No, number of events should not be reduced
Yes, size of events should be reduced
No, size of events should not be reduced
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Question title

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Question title

Allow smaller temporary activities like farm-to-table events permitted as an accessory activity with a programmatic permit which limits size and number of events.

Yes, I agree
No, I do not agree
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Question title

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Question title

Do not allow any farm to table events.

Yes, I agree
No, I do not agree
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Question title

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Permit Process and Criteria Improvements

Clear application and review procedures, combined with amended definitions and standards, should assist with code enforcement efforts. As well, ensuring adequate staff resources for code enforcement will be necessary. To ensure that the permitting process is fair and effective Skagit County could adjust its procedures. Improved permit procedures, criteria, and enforcement could apply to any or all of the agritourism uses under review.

Question title

Create or update application forms to ensure agritourism activities are well defined and the important criteria such as ensuring the activity is accessory and supports onsite agriculture is made clear.

Yes, this should be a priority for the County
No, this should not be a priority for the County
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Question title

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Question title

Exempt seasonal, low use, low impact activities like u-pick from permit requirements.

Yes, this should be a priority for the County
No, this should not be a priority for the County
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Question title

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Question title

After approval of a land use permit, require an annual self-certification form, in which the operator is required to provide information that they are still meeting the requirements of their permit (size, number of events, or proof of farm income). This would help ensure that events are operated consistent with the permit, do not inadvertently grow in size or complexity, and that farming is still the primary use of the land.

Yes, this should be a priority for the County
No, this should not be a priority for the County
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Question title

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Question title

For temporary uses, or uses with high activity levels, provide a limited term programmatic permit (e.g. 5 years that ensure the use is managed but does not necessarily continue with a new owner or is re-evaluated periodically).

Yes, this should be a priority for the County
No, this should not be a priority for the County
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Question title

Please explain your answer above.

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Question title

The County should do better code enforcement to address those who run agritourism operations without permits.

Yes, this should be a priority for the County
No, this should not be a priority for the County
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Question title

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Question title

Is there anything else you would like to share with us about agritourism in Skagit County?

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