Question title

Please describe the level of trust and respect you have in the Raleigh Police Department.

Complete trust and respect
High level of trust and respect
Neither trust nor distrust
Very little trust or respect
No trust or respect
Closed to responses

Question title

What qualifications and demonstrated experience should Raleigh's next police chief have? (choose up to five)

Prior Police Chief leadership experience
High-profile incident management
Technology in policing
Promotes community-oriented policing efforts
Implementation of contemporary and innovative policing practices
Project management
Planning and strategy
Knowledge of the Raleigh community
Track record of reducing crime and promoting community safety
Promotes an inclusive workplace
Morale builder and champion for officers and staff
Track record of building community trust
Experience recruiting and retaining quality personnel
Closed to responses

Question title

What are three leadership qualities you believe are most important when selecting the next Police Chief?

Trustworthy, accountable and transparent
Ethical, has integrity
Embraces external communication/social media
Effective at listening to and facilitating community conversations
Respect for and ability to work well with diverse communities
Develops meaningful solutions to community problems
Emergency/crisis management response
Values positive community relations
Promotes development of staff, training and succession planning
Embraces nationally recognized best practices in policing
Compassion and cultural competency
Strategic Thinker
Closed to responses

Question title

What are the top issues that Raleigh's new police chief should address? (select up to three)

Reducing gun violence, violent crimes, and property crimes
Illegal drugs
Improving trust in our community
Overall safety and downtown safety
Making adjustments to keep pace with the City's growth
Solutions to homelessness
Traffic safety and enforcement
Community policing and problem solving
Strengthening police/community partnerships
Holding officers/staff accountable
Closed to responses

Question title

What is one question you would like the candidates for police chief to answer?
(These will be combined and selected for the community panel interview.)

Your privately-submitted comments:
Closed to responses

Question title

The City Manager is the hiring authority for this position. Is there anything else that you would like for her to consider when she makes this appointment?

Your privately-submitted comments:
Closed for Comments

Question title

Do you live in the City of Raleigh?

Closed to responses

Question title

How long have you lived in the City of Raleigh?

1-5 years
6-10 years
11-20 years
21-40 years
More than 40 years
Less than one year
I do not live in Raleigh.
Closed to responses

Question title

Please select the options that best describe your relationship with the City of Raleigh.

I live in Raleigh
I work in Raleigh
I own a business in Raleigh
I do not live or work in Raleigh
Closed to responses

Question title

Which of the following best describe(s) your racial identity? (Choose all that apply)

White or Caucasian
Hispanic or Latino
Black or African American
Asian or Asian American
American Indian or Alaska Native
Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander
Closed to responses

Question title

What is your gender identity?

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