
On June 27th, 2023, Planning Commission initiated a site-specific amendment to the Land Development Code, specifically including amendments to Chapter 25-8, Subchapter A, Article 13 (Save Our Springs Initiative), as necessary to allow for the rehabilitation of the Barton Springs Bathhouse facility, a redevelopment project in Zilker Park (SPC-2012-0104D(R6)), adjacent to Barton Springs pool and within the recharge zone of the Edwards Aquifer.

The Barton Springs Bathhouse Rehabilitation is a major component identified in the 2009 Council-approved Barton Springs Pool Master Plan and further outlined in the Zilker Park Bathhouse Zone Feasibility Study (completed in 2016). Major elements of work will include accessibility and life safety improvements, replacement of the plumbing and HVAC systems, and structural repair and restoration of critical parts of the entry rotunda and the changing rooms. Improvements to the Aquatic facilities and the Sheffield Education Center are also a part of this project.

Anticipated community benefits are a safer public facility, an improved Texas Accessibility Standards accessible public facility meeting current compliance codes, increased pedestrian mobility, and enhanced park use.

Funding for this rehabilitation project is provided through 2012 and 2018 General Obligation Bond funds, the Historic Preservation Fund, and contributions from the Barton Springs Conservancy. Additional exhibit contributions are provided by the City’s Watershed Protection Department and Austin Water Department.


Summary of Proposed Code Amendment

The amendment under consideration is related to a rehabilitation project for the Barton Springs Bathhouse, a redevelopment project in Zilker Park (SPC-2012-0104D(R6)), adjacent to Barton Springs pool and within the recharge zone of the Edwards Aquifer. A portion of the work described in SPC-2012-0104D(R6) is located within the Critical Water Quality Zone (CWQZ) of the site. The SOS Ordinance prohibits development in the CWQZ for areas within the Barton Springs Zone and would not permit the rehabilitation of this facility. Additionally. The SOS Ordinance requires a maximum impervious cover limit of 15% for development within the Barton Springs Zone located within the Recharge Zone of the Edwards Aquifer. The Barton Springs Bathhouse was originally constructed before the adoption of the SOS ordinance and does not currently comply with impervious cover limits, but the rehabilitation project proposes to reduce the total impervious cover by 302 sq. ft. Also, because LDC 25-8-515 prohibits variances from the SOS Ordinance, a site-specific amendment to the SOS Ordinance approved by a supermajority of the City Council is necessary to allow construction of the Barton Springs Bathhouse Rehabilitation Project.


The proposed site-specific SOS amendments are being requested to allow the following improvements:

  • Existing building rehabilitation on the south side of William Barton Drive, adjacent to the Barton Springs entrance turnstile on the north side of Barton Creek;
  • Underground water and wastewater service to support the bathhouse structure with adequate fire flow and replacing aged wastewater lines;
  • Construction of a fire lane on the west side of the bathhouse for adequate firefighting access around the structure;
  • Landscaping around the restroom building and on the south side of William Barton Drive to improve the quality of existing vegetation.


Review and Adoption Timeline


Case Manager Contact 

Leslie Lilly, Watershed Protection Department, 

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