North Bethany Bicycle & Pedestrian Corridor Study
North Bethany Bicycle & Pedestrian Corridor Study
The purpose of the North Bethany Bicycle and Pedestrian Corridor Study is to evaluate alternatives to provide low-stress bicycle and pedestrian facilities along SR 1 between Bethany Beach and the Indian River Inlet Bridge, and to develop a conceptual design and cost estimate for a recommended alternative. These concepts will be developed based on the public feedback received to date and the results of the existing conditions assessment. The potential alternatives may include recommendations for traffic calming, median crossover closures/consolidations, shared use path(s), protected bike lanes, dedicated right-turn lanes, sidewalks, and crossing improvements.
This study will build on the preliminary analysis conducted in spring 2023. As a result of the preliminary analysis, DelDOT will be installing three new pedestrian crossings with Rapid Rectangular Flashing Beacons at locations along SR 1.
For those of you who could not attend the in-person Public Workshop on May 8, please take a look at the May Workshop Materials tab and the Public Survey tab below to review at your convenience. Content from the Virtual Question & Answer Session held on May 20 is available on the Virtual FAQ tab. If you have any questions following your review, please email The public survey results are now posted here.
DelDOT is pleased to share the following updates regarding the North Bethany Bicycle & Pedestrian Corridor Study and potential short-term improvements proposed for the corridor. DelDOT will schedule a follow-up workshop in late May or June 2025 (date TBD) to provide updates to the status of short-term improvements and share refined mid- and long-term recommendations with the public. If you have any questions about these updates, please email
Short-term improvements (to be completed before Summer 2025):
- Safety crossing improvements at the North Fresh Pond Trailhead/Ocean Ridge (e.g. Location 1 on the spring 2024 workshop display):
- The crossing improvements at the North Fresh Pond Trailhead are currently under construction.
- The improvements include the installation of a striped crosswalk and Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon (RRFB) system and the installation of a median refuge island.
- Signage improvements along SR 1 are also included, and are generally consistent with other recreational guide signs in the Indian River Inlet Bridge/Delaware Seashore State Park area. Signage improvements do not include trailhead kiosks or trail maps which are outside of DelDOT’s historical purview.
- Speed limit reductions on SR 1 from the southern Dewey Beach limits to the Delaware/Maryland state line:
- Speed limit reductions along SR 1, including in North Bethany, were presented at the spring 2024 workshop on this display.
- DelDOT will be implementing the speed limits summarized on the display. DelDOT’s sign shop will be installing the new signs prior to summer 2025.
- For more information on how DelDOT arrived at the proposed speed limits, please visit the Virtual FAQ tab
Short-term improvements (to be completed after Summer 2025):
- Safety crossing improvements at Fresh Pond South Trailhead / Heron Road and Indian Harbor Villas (e.g. Location 2 and 3 on the spring 2024 workshop display).
- The design deliverables are being finalized, and improvements include the installation of a striped crosswalk and an RRFB system.
- The construction schedule is dependent on the availability of funding, but will not occur before Fall 2025.
- As stated above, DelDOT will schedule a follow-up workshop in May or June 2025 (date TBD) to provide an update on the status of crossing improvements at locations 2 and 3.
Mid- and long-term recommendations:
- Preliminary mid-and long-term alternatives for the corridor were shared at the May 2024 Public Workshop.
- Based on the results of the public survey, the preferred mid-term alternative was Alternative 1c: Buffer with Guardrail and the preferred long-term alternative was Alternative 2b: Shared Use Paths with Grass Buffer and Guardrail.
- The DelDOT project team continues to evaluate and refine potential mid- and long-term alternatives.
- As stated above, DelDOT will schedule a follow-up workshop in May or June 2025 (date TBD) to share refined mid- and long-term alternatives with the public.
Project Contact Information