The ‘new NEPA’ and the future of public involvement
The ‘new NEPA’ and the future of public involvement
Don’t have time to read the official 194-page document of proposed changes to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)? Join us while we will look at current NEPA guidance and evaluate the implications of the new proposed changes, set to take effect in September. In this webinar, we’ll also highlight evolving public involvement trends and available tools — including EPA’s EJScreen — to help you future-proof for NEPA compliance while accelerating project delivery.
By the end of this webinar, you’ll be able to:
Understand the characteristics and intent of proposed changes to NEPA, taking effect in September 2020
Implement strategy based on public involvement trends, regardless of whether these changes are upheld, retracted, or reformed
Compare the benefits of different virtual public involvement tactics and how they provide pathways for equitable engagement, and
Summarize actionable steps showcased in Promising Practices for EJ Methodologies in NEPA Reviews published by the Federal Interagency Working Group on Environmental Justice & NEPA Commitee.
Webinar: The "New NEPA" — September 10, 2020
This webinar is eligible as a learning activity for 1 hour of AICP (APA)* and RCEP (ACEC) credit.
*General or Environmental
Before attending, you may be interested in reading our recent blog: Navigating The “New NEPA” — What MPOs & DOTs Need To Know
Download Promising Practices for EJ Methodologies in NEPA Review (click here or image below)
Download Guidebook for Managing Data From Emerging Technologies for Transportation (click here or image below)