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What is your focus group?

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Question title

Which following statement best describes the food eaten in your household in the past 12 months?

You and other household members had enough of the kinds of foods you wanted to eat.
You and other household members had enough to eat, but not always the kinds of food you wanted.
Sometimes you and other household members did not have enough to eat.
Often you and other household members didn't have enough to eat.
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Question title

Please rate the following statements as often true, sometimes true, or never true.

In the past 12 months, you and other household members worried that food would run out before you got money to buy more.

Often true
Sometimes true
Never true
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Question title

In the past 12 months, the food that you and other household members bought just didn't last, and there wasn't any money to get more.

Often true
Sometimes true
Never true
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Question title

In the past 12 months, you and other household members couldn't afford to eat well-rounded meals.

A well-rounded meal contains protein (meat or beans), fruits or vegetables, and grains (wheat or rice).

Often True
Sometimes True
Never True
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Question title

Which of the following prevents you from getting the food you need?

Check all that apply.

All of my food needs are met.
My SNAP/food stamps/EBT are not enough to buy the food I need.
My income does not allow me to purchase enough food for my household.
Transportation difficulties prevent me from accessing the food I need.
A physical limitation or illness that affects my ability to get out of the house to access food.
Other (please explain)
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Question title

What is the biggest factor that keeps you from eating a well-rounded meal on a regular basis?

A well rounded meal includes protein (meat or beans), fruits or vegetables and grains (wheat or rice).

Check all that apply.

My household eats well-rounded meals on a regular basis.
I don't know what types of food a well-rounded meal should include.
I do not have the equipment needed to prepare a well-rounded meal.
I do not know how to prepare a well-rounded meal.
Cooking a balanced meal takes too long.
I do not have access to the foods necessary to prepare a well rounded meal.
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The next section of the survey is related to transportation options.

Question title

Is making a trip to the store or food distribution site difficult for you?

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Question title

If yes, please explain.

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Question title

What transportation option would most help you connect to food resources?

Buses running more often
Additional bus routes
Shuttle to grocery stores, mobile markets, meal sites
Free or low-cost delivery of groceries I have bought online
Food boxes delivered that contain free fresh food
Transportation is not a problem for me.
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Question title

Please check the boxes that describe your relationship with the following resources.

Food distribution site (mobile market) - a combination of perishable and non-parishable foods distributed via a mobile truck
Food pantry - a stationary food distribution site that may contain perishable or non-perishable food
Free fresh distribution site (mobile market) - food distribution focused on produce only with very limited grains and protein such as eggs

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Question title

If a free fresh produce market was located in your neighborhood, which times would work best with your schedule? You may choose more than one answer.

Weekday morning
Weekday afternoon
Weekday evening
Saturday morning
Saturday afternoon
Saturday evening
Sunday morning
Sunday afternoon
Sunday evening
None of these times work for me.
I am not interested in free produce.
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Question title

Are there organizations that are currently assisting you in getting food? Please list them.

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Question title

Please provide your zip code.

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What is the name of the street or road you live on?

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Question title

How many people live in your household including yourself?

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Question title

How many children (under the age of 18) do you have in your household?

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Question title

What is your age?

70 or older
Under 20
Closed to responses | 357 Responses