I-675/Wilmington Improvements
I-675/Wilmington Improvements
Welcome to our public open house! Please review project information below and on the MCTID website here: Montgomery County Transportation Department (mctid.org) and provide us your feedback on this important project for the region. Please submit your comments by August 18, 2023.
I-675 and Wilmington Pike Interchange Improvement
The Interstate 675 and Wilmington Pike interchange can be challenging to navigate. Increased traffic and congestion are resulting in travel delays and elevated crash rates. The Montgomery County Transportation Improvement District (MCTID) along with Sugarcreek Township, the Greene County Engineer’s Office, the City of Centerville and the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) Districts 7 and 8 partnered to study the interchange and identified the following key contributing factors:
• There is traffic congestion along Wilmington Pike, including the I-675 interchange as well as the Wilmington Pike/Feedwire Road and the Wilmington Pike/ Clyo Road intersections
• Traffic exiting I-675 southbound onto Wilmington Pike extends onto the highway during the evening rush hour
• The traffic congestion and backups on the interstate contribute to the elevated crash rates in the project area
To address these issues effectively, MCTID and its project partners have determined it is necessary to make improvements to reduce congestion and improve safety in the I-675 and Wilmington Pike interchange area
Information about divering diamond interchanges (one of the alternatives under consideration) can be accessed in the following videos: