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The public comment period will close on October 2, 2023.

Question title

* Please rank the proposed projects from most to least important to you.

Hudson Road between Route 9 and Route 1 Improvements
US 9 between Old Vine Boulevard and Dairy Farm Road Improvements
Redden Road Corridor Improvements
Route 24 between Love Creek Bridge and Indian Mission Road Improvements
Zoar Road at South Bedford Street Intersection Improvements
Phillips Landing Road between Mt. Pleasant Road and Phillips Landing Improvements
Closed to responses

Question title

Comment on the Hudson Road between Route 9 and Route 1 Improvements project:

Upgrade pavement section to two 11’ lanes, shoulders, and turn lanes, where analysis supports need. Implement Complete Streets Policy; provide transit, biking, and pedestrian amenities and drainage, where appropriate.

I have only interacted with this survey
Reply2 Agree2 years ago
Please require all contractors doing night work to concentrate any necessary bright lights on the work area and PREVENT BLINDING ONCOMING DRIVERS WITH GIANT BRILLIANT LIGHTS. Simple movable panels on the edges of the work lights and careful orientation and placement of any neces...See More
Reply1 Agree2 years ago
Expansion of I-81 at this corridor would trigger induced demand. If the road is wider, more people will drive on it. We don't want the Shenandoah Valley to turn into the Katy Freeway. One bus can carry the same number of people as 26 cars. That's how you deal with traffic.
ReplyAgree2 years ago
Survey only
ReplyAgree2 years ago
Closed for Comments

Question title

Comment on the US 9 between Old Vine Boulevard and Dairy Farm Road Improvements project:

Upgrade pavement section to four 11’ lanes, shoulders and turn lanes. Implement Complete Streets Policy; provide transit, biking, pedestrian amenities, and drainage, where appropriate. Provide shared use paths.

I have only interacted with this survey
Reply2 Agree2 years ago
Please require all contractors doing night work to concentrate any necessary bright lights on the work area and PREVENT BLINDING ONCOMING DRIVERS WITH GIANT BRILLIANT LIGHTS. Simple movable panels on the edges of the work lights and careful orientation and placement of any neces...See More
Reply1 Agree2 years ago
Expansion of I-81 at this corridor would trigger induced demand. If the road is wider, more people will drive on it. We don't want the Shenandoah Valley to turn into the Katy Freeway. One bus can carry the same number of people as 26 cars. That's how you deal with traffic.
ReplyAgree2 years ago
Survey only
ReplyAgree2 years ago
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Question title

Comment on the Redden Road Corridor Improvements project:

FY 23 – FY 28 Redden Road Segment Upgrade Oak Road to Kings Crossroads. Upgrade remaining segments between US 13 and US 113. Upgrade pavement section to two 11’ lanes, with shoulders and turn lanes. Evaluate travel patterns of potential GSI at US 13 / SR404

I have only interacted with this survey
Reply2 Agree2 years ago
Please require all contractors doing night work to concentrate any necessary bright lights on the work area and PREVENT BLINDING ONCOMING DRIVERS WITH GIANT BRILLIANT LIGHTS. Simple movable panels on the edges of the work lights and careful orientation and placement of any neces...See More
Reply1 Agree2 years ago
Expansion of I-81 at this corridor would trigger induced demand. If the road is wider, more people will drive on it. We don't want the Shenandoah Valley to turn into the Katy Freeway. One bus can carry the same number of people as 26 cars. That's how you deal with traffic.
ReplyAgree2 years ago
Survey only
ReplyAgree2 years ago
Closed for Comments

Question title

Comment on the Route 24 between Love Creek Bridge and Indian Mission Road Improvements project:

Upgrade pavement section to four 11’ lanes, shoulders, and turn lanes, where analysis supports need. Implement Complete Streets Policy; provide transit, biking, and pedestrian amenities, where appropriate.

I have only interacted with this survey
Reply2 Agree2 years ago
Please require all contractors doing night work to concentrate any necessary bright lights on the work area and PREVENT BLINDING ONCOMING DRIVERS WITH GIANT BRILLIANT LIGHTS. Simple movable panels on the edges of the work lights and careful orientation and placement of any neces...See More
Reply1 Agree2 years ago
Expansion of I-81 at this corridor would trigger induced demand. If the road is wider, more people will drive on it. We don't want the Shenandoah Valley to turn into the Katy Freeway. One bus can carry the same number of people as 26 cars. That's how you deal with traffic.
ReplyAgree2 years ago
Survey only
ReplyAgree2 years ago
Closed for Comments

Question title

Comment on the Zoar Road at South Bedford Street Intersection Improvements project:

Upgrade turning lanes and consider signalization and/or roundabout. Implement Complete Streets Policy; provide transit, biking, and pedestrian amenities, where appropriate.

I have only interacted with this survey
Reply2 Agree2 years ago
Please require all contractors doing night work to concentrate any necessary bright lights on the work area and PREVENT BLINDING ONCOMING DRIVERS WITH GIANT BRILLIANT LIGHTS. Simple movable panels on the edges of the work lights and careful orientation and placement of any neces...See More
Reply1 Agree2 years ago
Expansion of I-81 at this corridor would trigger induced demand. If the road is wider, more people will drive on it. We don't want the Shenandoah Valley to turn into the Katy Freeway. One bus can carry the same number of people as 26 cars. That's how you deal with traffic.
ReplyAgree2 years ago
Survey only
ReplyAgree2 years ago
Closed for Comments

Question title

Comment on the Phillips Landing Road between Mt. Pleasant Road and Phillips Landing Improvements project:

Upgrade pavement section to provide two 11’ lanes, partial shoulders and turn lanes. Implement Complete Streets Policy; provide transit, biking, and pedestrian amenities, where appropriate.

I have only interacted with this survey
Reply2 Agree2 years ago
Please require all contractors doing night work to concentrate any necessary bright lights on the work area and PREVENT BLINDING ONCOMING DRIVERS WITH GIANT BRILLIANT LIGHTS. Simple movable panels on the edges of the work lights and careful orientation and placement of any neces...See More
Reply1 Agree2 years ago
Expansion of I-81 at this corridor would trigger induced demand. If the road is wider, more people will drive on it. We don't want the Shenandoah Valley to turn into the Katy Freeway. One bus can carry the same number of people as 26 cars. That's how you deal with traffic.
ReplyAgree2 years ago
Survey only
ReplyAgree2 years ago
Closed for Comments

Question title

Comment on the Sussex County FY25-30 CTP:

I have only interacted with this survey
Reply2 Agree2 years ago
Please require all contractors doing night work to concentrate any necessary bright lights on the work area and PREVENT BLINDING ONCOMING DRIVERS WITH GIANT BRILLIANT LIGHTS. Simple movable panels on the edges of the work lights and careful orientation and placement of any neces...See More
Reply1 Agree2 years ago
Expansion of I-81 at this corridor would trigger induced demand. If the road is wider, more people will drive on it. We don't want the Shenandoah Valley to turn into the Katy Freeway. One bus can carry the same number of people as 26 cars. That's how you deal with traffic.
ReplyAgree2 years ago
Survey only
ReplyAgree2 years ago
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Question title

* Additional comments:

Please write "N/A" if you do not have any additional comments.

I have only interacted with this survey
Reply2 Agree2 years ago
Please require all contractors doing night work to concentrate any necessary bright lights on the work area and PREVENT BLINDING ONCOMING DRIVERS WITH GIANT BRILLIANT LIGHTS. Simple movable panels on the edges of the work lights and careful orientation and placement of any neces...See More
Reply1 Agree2 years ago
Expansion of I-81 at this corridor would trigger induced demand. If the road is wider, more people will drive on it. We don't want the Shenandoah Valley to turn into the Katy Freeway. One bus can carry the same number of people as 26 cars. That's how you deal with traffic.
ReplyAgree2 years ago
Survey only
ReplyAgree2 years ago
Closed for Comments

Question title

* How did you hear about this?

Public Workshop
DelDOT/MPO Website
Closed to responses

Project Contact Information


Phone: (855) 925-2801

Project Code: 3470


Please include the project title in your email or voicemail.