Question title

What is the name of your company?

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* Approximately how many employees work for your company?

Please enter a single number that represents the best answer. Ex. 2

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* How many single-family homes does your company build in a year (Jan. 1-Dec. 30)?

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Question title

* Does your company currently participate in the Sustainability Rebate Program?

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If you answered "Yes" to the last question, how did you/your company hear about the Sustainability Rebate Program?

Referred by Home Builders Association
Referred by Green Built Alliance
Word of mouth
Through the permitting process
Web search
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Question title

If you are not currently participating in the Sustainability Rebate Program please select the reasons why not.

Didn't know the program existed
Don't have time for the paperwork
Not interested
Financial benefit is not worth the effort
Requirements are confusing
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Question title

How easy is it to use the Sustainability Rebate Program on a scale of 1-5 (1=very easy, 5=very hard)

Click and drag the blue circle to indicate your level of agreement

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Are there specific changes that could make the program easier to use?

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Please rank the current rebate program features you utilize the most.

Click to add each option to the list. You can click and drag to reorder your choices if needed. When finished, please click 'Confirm Priorities'

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Question title

* What drives your decision making when choosing to pursue a specific level of certification, including choosing to not certify a project?

Unclear thresholds for different levels of certification
Higher level certification requirements are too strict or unreasonable
Paperwork for certification is too burdensome
Financial benefits are not worth the extra requirements at higher level
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Question title

* How effective is the Sustainability Rebate Program in helping builders choose more sustainable building options? (1=not effective at all; 5=highly effective)

Click and drag the blue circle to indicate your level of agreement

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* Which of the following outreach strategies would be most effective for sharing information about the Sustainability Rebate Program with you?

Social media posts
City website
City emails/newsletters
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Question title

* If the City of Asheville offered a larger rebate for family dwellings with higher certification scores, like in the attached table, would you be in favor of that change?

If the City of Asheville offered a larger rebate for family dwellings with higher certification scores like in the attached table would you be in favor of that change?
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Question title

* If the City of Asheville offered a higher rebate amount for saving trees instead of planting a new one, like what's shown in the table, would you be in favor of that change?

If the City of Asheville offered a higher rebate amount for saving trees instead of planting a new one like what s shown in the table would you be in favor of that change?
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Question title

Please select any of the following sustainable building strategies you would like to have included as rebate options.

Install heat pump hot water heater
Air seal to ACH 5 or below (verified by blower door test)
Insulate walls to R-30 or 20&5ci or 13&10ci or 0&20ci or higher
Dwelling unit is less than 1,500 square feet
Install WaterSense plumbing fixtures
Use low or no VOC paints
Plant 3+ species of native perennials
EV charging
Solar ready and EV ready
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Question title

Are there additional rebates you would like to see the City of Asheville offer with the current application process? Please include a suggestion for possible documentation that would support city verification for any rebates suggested.

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Would you support a cap on the number of rebates available to a single builder in a single fiscal year (July 1 - June 30)? If there were remaining funds in June, we would lift the cap and process applications by order of submission before the close of the fiscal year on July 1 until the program was fully subscribed.

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Is there anything else you would like to share about the sustainability rebate program i.e. things you would like to stay the same or things you would like to see changed?

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Question title

If you are interested in entering a drawing for a $100 gift card from the Builders Association of the Blue Ridge Mountains please enter your email here.

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