Business Information

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Business Name:

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NAICS Code for Business:

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* Business Information

Please fill in the following contact information.

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Emergency Contact (Name, Contact Info):

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Completed By:

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Position Title:

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1. Brief description of the company and products/services the business provides:

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2. Which of the following best describes the business?

Locally owned and operated with one location
Locally owned and operated with multiple locations
Branch or division of a regional, national, or international company
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3. What is the current square footage of your Cibolo facility?

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4. Select all the following that applies to your business:

Family business
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5a. Is your facility leased or owned?

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5b. If leased, when does the lease expire?

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5c. If leased, do you plan to renew your lease?

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6. Who are your top three competitors?

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7. Who are your top three customers?

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8. Who are your top three suppliers?

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9. In what market do you currently do the most business?

Local (SA-NB MSA)
Regional (Texas)
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10. Do you currently export or import products directly?

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11. What was your Cibolo location's total sales revenue last year?

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12. What is the projected annual sales growth for the next 12 months?

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Local Business Climate

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13. How would you rate the following business factors in Cibolo?

1 - Poor, 2 - Fair, 3 - Good, 4 - Excellent

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14. What are the main reasons for locating/staying in Cibolo; what do you see as its greatest strengths?

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15. What challenges do you encounter, if any, due specifically to your location in Cibolo?

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16. How may people, including owner(s), does your Cibolo location currently employ?

a. Full-Time Year-Round:

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b. Part-Time Year-Round:

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c. Seasonal:

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17. Please provide the average and median wage(s) for your current positions:

a. Average Wage:

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b. Median Wage:

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18. Where do most of your employees reside?

(Ex. In Cibolo, Schertz, Seguin, etc.)

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19. How many positions are you planning to fill in the next 12 months?

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20. Are those additional positions or filling existing spots?

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21. What is the type of position you are most in need of filling?

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Future Business Plans

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22. What is the outlook for your industry?

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23. Is there room for expansion at your current Cibolo facility?

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24. Do you plan to expand the square footage (sf) of your facility in Cibolo in the next 3 years?

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25. Would the expansion increase sf or employee count?

If yes, by how much?
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26. Are there current or future factors that would cause you to reduce or close your operations in Cibolo?

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Needs and Opportunities

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27. What assistance or opportunities would be beneficial to support your business?

Business planning and growth support
Joint advertising and marketing
Attraction of related supply and services
Succession planning businesses
Workforce planning, employee training and attraction
Access to information on grants, funding and loans
Marketing and sales seminars. Productivity improvement workshops
Digital marketing, social media and online content workshops
Business networking sessions
Trade shows
Finance management workshops
Export development programs and services
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28a. Are you interested in having interns from the school district?

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28b. What would make it desirable/useful for the company?

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29. Are you interested in having a vanpool program for your employees?

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30. The Economic Development Department participates quarterly in a regional job fair in partnership with Seguin, New Braunfels, and Schertz that is free for businesses in Cibolo. Would you be interested in participating?

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31. The city maintains an online Business Directory found at
Please check your entry for accuracy; if it is not listed, please take a minute to do so.

My information is entered and correct
My information is not correct, but I need assistance updating, contact me at
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Question title

32. Are you interested in being contacted by city staff to further discuss any questions or concerns you may have?

Yes, please contact me at
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