Question title

Thinking of the last time you were in the neighborhood near Capital One Arena, what was your purpose? (select all that apply)

Select a response

Question title

How do you typically travel to/from the neighborhood near Capital One Arena? (select all that apply)

Select a response

Question title

What traffic/transportation/parking issues do you notice when you are in the neighborhood near Capital One Arena on days when there are events at the arena? (select all that apply)

Select a response

Question title

How could transportation/traffic in the neighborhood near Capital One Area be improved on days when there are events at the arena? In other words, what would make you want to visit the area more often to enjoy the events at or near Capital One Arena? If you live/work in the area, what would make your commute/life easier and safer?

Question title

Is there any other feedback to share with the TOPP team?

Pursuant to Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and related nondiscrimination statutes, please complete the following survey to help ensure that all DDOT programs, activities, and services are implemented in a nondiscriminatory manner. This information will be used for internal purposes only. Your disclosure of this information is strictly voluntary and anonymous. Thank you.  

Question title

How do you identify racially? (Select as many as apply)

Select a response

Question title

What is your ethnicity?
(ex. Ethiopian, Venezuelan, Nigerian, Dominican, Vietnamese etc.)

Question title

What is your English proficiency level?

Select a response

Question title

If you do not speak/understand English well, what language do you speak/understand well? (Select as many as apply)

Select a response

Question title

Please indicate your sex/gender:

Select a response