Happening Now


Accessibility Improvements: complete in late 2024.
The next phase focuses on high priority repairs, which include waterproofing, joint seal replacements, and  mechanical, electrical and drainage repairs. Construction impacts to parking garage users during this phase will be communicated before work begins.


The City of Asheville operates four parking garages in the Downtown Central Business District: the Harrah’s Cherokee Center, Wall Street, Rankin Avenue, and Biltmore Avenue garages.

The facilities were built in 1976, 1988, 1988 and 2011, respectively.  As the facilities age the frequency with which they need to be inspected increases. A comprehensive facility assessment of all four garages was performed in the first half of 2023.  The report identified select repairs and wholesale renovations categorized by priority:

  • Immediate Repairs – the most urgent repairs (completed in 2024)
  • Base Repairs – high priority repairs
  • Enhancements – medium priority repairs

Common repairs included in the report are:

  • Concrete repairs
  • Stair and elevator framing replacement/repair
  • Joint sealant replacement
  • Guard rail replacements
  • Weatherproofing and coatings
  • Restriping and improved signage

These repairs are being implemented in phases organized to address the highest priorities first, and with as minimal disruption to parking services as possible. Over the course of the project, parking availability will be limited at times throughout the four garages.

High Priority Repairs

Waterproofing, joint seal replacements, mechanical, electrical and drainage repairs.

Medium Priority Repairs and Enhancement

Full replacement of Harrah’s Cherokee Center garage  stairwells, replacement of framing at Wall Street elevator landings, guard rail replacements, signage and wayfinding improvements.

Accessibility Improvements

Resizing of accessible spaces, new striping, relocation of select accessible spaces, cane detection, signage

Immediate Priority Repairs and Accessibility Improvements

  • Impacted Facilities: Wall Street, Rankin Ave, Harrah’s Cherokee Center Garages.
  • Repairs needed for stairwells, elevator landings, and deck improvements.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • In addition to the facility condition assessment, the consultants were also engaged to provide capital planning. This included an analysis comparing the costs of 1) a plan to repair and maintain the garages versus  2) a plan to replace the garages.  

  • The analysis showed that over a 30-year period the cost of replacing the garages is 2 to 2 ½ times the cost of making the recommended repairs and implementing a preventative maintenance program.

  • A phased program of construction repairs will be ongoing with anticipation of completion in 2027.  

  • Construction will be scheduled with the goal of minimizing impacts to parking availability as much as possible.  

  • Certain parking spaces and sections of garages will be periodically closed to accommodate construction activities.  At times a garage might  be closed entirely.

The parking garages are safe and will remain open for parking as normal, with the exception of the select scheduled closures.

  • The estimate for the repairs on all four of the garages is $11.3 million.  Once complete,  an annual maintenance budget of $1.06 million, escalated annually for inflation, is recommended.

  • Over a 30-year period the costs average out to less than $2 per day per parking space.


Parking Structure

30-year Repair & Maintenance

(in 2023 dollars)

# of Parking Spaces

Average Daily Cost Per Space

Wall Street




Rankin Ave




Harrah's Cherokee




Biltmore Ave








Contact Information


Nicole George, Project Manager

Jessica Morriss
Transportation, Assistant Director 