Parks and Recreation Systemwide Plan

A Parks & Recreation Systemwide Plan outlines the goals and vision of a community’s parks, recreation, greenways, trails, and open spaces system while also identifying how well it serves the community and priorities for improvements 


This systemwide plan will align with community guiding documents that establish the long-term vision for Buncombe County. These guiding documents include the County’s recently approved Comprehensive Plan 2043, as well as ongoing efforts to update the County’s Strategic Plan, among others.  


Community Involvement and Feedback

Input is critical to the development of this plan, and community members will have opportunities to participate both virtually and in-person throughout the plan development. Use the subscribe button to the right for updates to get those opportunities delivered to your inbox.  

 Soccer players at Buncombe County's Sports Park

Soccer players at Buncombe County's Sports Park.


Planning Process 

The Parks and Recreation Systemwide planning process will take approximately 14-16 months in duration, but the schedule may be extended if additional public opportunities for feedback are needed. The project includes two main phases: 


Phase 1 – Needs and Priorities Assessment (July 2023-May 2024): Establishes community needs and priorities for the County’s parks, recreation, greenway, trails, and open spaces system in relation to community input and best practices.  




Phase 2 – Long-Range Vision and Strategic Plan (May-Nov. 2024): Focuses on the development of a long-range vision for the County’s parks, recreation, greenway, trails, and open spaces system in relation to community needs. This step includes development of plan that outlines a roadmap for future action items through a phased implementation approach, cost estimates, and other recommendations. 


Plan Adoption (Nov. 2024): The final drafts of the Comprehensive Parks and Recreation Master Plan, updated Greenway and Trails Master Plan, and an Open Space Plan will be posted online for public review and comment prior to being presented to the County’s Board of Commissioners. 


Child fishing at Lake Julian.

Fishing is very popular at Buncombe County's Lake Julian Park.



Have questions about the Parks & Recreation Systemwide Plan?

If you have questions regarding the plan, accessibility, or to request an accommodation, please contact:  


Thomas Gull, PLA 

Buncombe County Parks and Recreation 

Phone: 828-250-6705 




Parks & Recreation Master Plan | We NEED your input!

Future Planning: Buncombe's New Principal Planner Eyes Greenway Expansion, Increased Accessibility, & More

Click the image below to read the article.Principal Parks Planner Thomas Gull

Open Space

Learn more about Open Space projects by clicking on the image below.

Open Space Banner 1200 x 400


Boards and Commissions

There are two boards that contribute to Parks and Recreation goals in Buncombe County including the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board and the Passive Recreation Lands Subcommittee. Click on the images below to learn more about the work of each board.

Parks and Rec Advisory Board Lake Julian Playground 1200 x 400

Parks and Recreation Advisory Board



Passive Recreation Lands Subcommittee Banner

Passive Recreation Lands Subcommittee