关于 Stoney Run Trail

斯托尼跑步道是一条规划好的 4 英里长的道路,供骑自行车、步行或滑行的人使用。它从历史悠久的埃尔克里奇延伸到 BWI 步道。

自 1 月以来,我们一直在与社区领导和地区专家合作,制定 Stoney Run Trail 的规划。我们还向人们询问了如何打造一条完美的步道。


查看 Stoney Run 的草案计划!

今年春天,我们发现 68% 的评论者支持“溪流”选项。所选步道是“溪流”和“公用设施”选项的组合。所选地点旨在解决安全问题并保护自然环境和风景质量,我们听说这是优先事项。请查看以下亮点:

  • 安全和与交通隔离- 我们了解安全的重要性,也了解将步道与交通隔离的重要性。高速车辆令人担忧。我们听取了您的意见,Stoney Run Trail 将设计得安全、舒适,适合各种人群。首选位置减少了道路上的步道路段数量,并将 Elkridge 的部分移至 Railroad Avenue,该处的车辆流量比 Furnace Avenue 少。
    • 风景优美 -这条小径蜿蜒穿过森林,增添了帕塔普斯科河和斯托尼河的美景。
  • 连接交通- 我们还听说人们希望确保这条步道与交通和该地区的其他重要地点相连。这条步道将与 BWI 步道相连,后者与 BWI MARC 站相连。
  • 连接其他步道- Stoney Run Trail 还将与该地区的其他步道连接,成为 Patapsco 区域绿道的一部分。这将允许区域自行车和行人连接。



您还可以参加 12 月 11 日的社区会议。请在下面注册。

需要帮助吗?请发送电子邮件至 PRGStoneyRun@publicinput.com 或拨打 855-925-2801 x 10889 给我们留言

¿需要 ayuda 和算法吗? 请通过 PRGStoneyRun@publicinput.com 发送电子邮件,或通过电话 855-925-2801 x 10889 发送邮件​

点击放大步道位置的地图PRG Stoney Run 第三阶段地图

PRG Stoney Run 第三阶段时间表

Project Launch

December 2023 
The project kickoff meeting was held on December 6, 2023. The focus of the kickoff was to familiarize the project team with the possible trail segments and to develop a work plan to complete the project in a timely manner. 

Community Meeting and Opportunity to Comment (Phase 1)

January - February 2024 
In the first step, we started with an overview of how things are right now (existing conditions). The project team shared the current state of the roads and any big environmental issues. We heard from community about what they want in a trail. Check out the comments, responses, and survey results. 1247

Review Comments and Identify Possible Trail Routes

Spring 2024 
The project team reviewed comments and identified possible places the trail could go. We considered community input, environmental features, and sound engineering judgment to develop several possible routes for the trail. 

Community Meeting and Opportunity to Comment (Phase 2)

May - June 2024
Potential trail options will be presented to the community. You will have the opportunity to provide comments and help to inform the project team of the final trail location. 

Review Comments and Choose a Path for the Trail

July - October 2024
Based on comments received from the public, steering committee and Advisory Committee, a final location for the trail will be selected.

Community Meeting and Opportunity to Comment (Phase 3)

November - December 2024
We have considered feedback from residents, organizations, and community leaders. This essential information helped us choose a location. Now, we want to hear your thoughts on trail amenities! 

Review Comments and Create a Final Plan

December 2024
The project team will incorporate comments into the final plan and develop 30% design plans which will be the basis of final design.