Happening Now

City staff received  overwhelmingly positive feedback from residents to support proceeding with the Livingston Street Traffic Calming project. In the coming months staff will finalize the locations of speed cushions to be ready for construction.  The construction timeline for installation is dependent on several factors, including contractor scheduling and weather. As timelines are determined staff will inform residents through the project stakeholder list and neighborhood meetings. Sign up to be a stakeholder in the sign up box to the right.


The City of Asheville Transportation Department launched a public outreach  project as a pilot for a new way of measuring community support to construct traffic calming measures on Livingston Street. The standard process for traffic calming approval after meeting speed requirements has been to provide a petition showing 60% approval from affected residents and property owners. City understands that this process can be burdensome for communities for several reasons. To address concerns staff launched this pilot project to determine if it would prove to be less burdensome on communities. 


In February 2000, AshevilleCity Council adopted the Neighborhood Traffic Calming Policy which was developed to guide city staff and inform residents about the processes and procedures for implementing traffic calming on residential streets. Under the policy, the City Traffic Engineering Division works with residents to identify traffic problems in their neighborhoods and seek appropriate solutions.


The City of Asheville is committed to obtaining significant levels of citizen participation when developing traffic calming projects. The City’s goal is to give the people who live and work in the project area the opportunity to become actively involved in the planning and decision-making process. 


Southside Area Projects in progress

Nasty Branch Greenway

Greenway Connectors

Livingston Street Traffic Calming

Oakland Road Traffic Calming

April 2024 - Petition opened for signatures

April 2024 - Mailers sent with information regarding petition

May 16, 2024 - Transportation staff attended the Southside Neighborhood Association meeting

May 17, 2024 - Neighborhood outreach for signatures

Fall 2024 - Construction start date

Early Winter 2024 - Construction completion date


Chuck Watson

Project Manager

Public Works, Streets Division
