Anti-Displacement Goals - What is important to you? 

The Community Advisory Committee is looking for guidance from local lived experiences to better understand community needs. They have developed four anti-displacement goals and want your input.  As you move through the survey you'll learn about these four goals and ideas that could support them. What is most important to you? How could these ideas help you and our most vulnerable communities stay in Austin?

Your experience and your input are crucial. The main objective of this exercise is to inform, guide, and help the Community Advisory members as they prepare to make their final funding recommendations to the Austin Housing Finance Corporation (AHFC) in the late Fall of 2022.  

 On each page, you'll have the opportunity to rank the strategies.  You'll then have the opportunity to share additional thoughts about what is needed to work toward each goal. 


Question title

How important is each goal to you?

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Question title

Which goal is most important to you?

Rank from most important to least important. Select the ideas that are most important to you in order of priority, clicking on the most important idea first. Then click on the second most important idea. Continue until all the ideas are ranked. Once ideas are on your priority list, you can move them around by clicking and dragging them. You do not have to choose every option.

Closed to responses | 9 Responses