Pinole Vista Development
Pinole Vista Development
The proposed project consists of demolishing an approximately 91,000 square foot vacant retail structure (formerly Kmart) and constructing a five-story 263,862 square-foot 223-unit apartment building on an existing parcel within the Pinole Vista Shopping Center located at 1500 Fitzgerald Drive. Pursuant to the City’s inclusionary housing requirements (Pinole Municipal Code, or PMC, Section 17.32.020), the project will offer 13 very- low-income units and 14 low-income units for rent, with the remainder of the 196 units being market-rate rental units. The building will have the same orientation as the former Kmart building with the main entrances facing the existing shopping center. The parking lot will be changed from its initial orientation of 45-degree parking stalls to 90-degree parking stalls. The rear of the building (west elevation) will add an additional row of parking along the building and have three entrances to the building that connect to the front lobbies. The sides of the building (north and south) will include additional landscaping and a new passive open space area for use on the southern end of the property. Landscaping will be added to the front of the building elevation and within the two rows of parking. Fencing will be installed to delineate the residential area from the commercial area.