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EdNC Survey
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Who are you?
Select all that apply.
Early childhood advocate
North Carolinian
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EdNC Survey
Question title
What do you want to see in EdNC's early childhood newsletter?
Select all that apply.
Original stories from Liz
Curated stories from other sources
Upcoming events
Parenting advice
Stories and perspectives from voices across the state
Curated research and policy papers
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EdNC Survey
Question title
What should the content focus on?
Select all that apply.
Early childhood policy updates from the state legislature
How those policies affect everyday North Carolinians
How, as a parent, to navigate decisions during early years
The newest research in early brain development, health, etc.
Stories on issues inside the classroom (curriculum, instruction, social-emotional climate, student-teacher relationships)
Stories on early childhood educators (pay, education, pipeline)
Stories on statewide or national trends in early childhood education (literacy, online learning, universal preschool)
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EdNC Survey
Question title
What value are you hoping to gain from the newsletter?
Select all that apply.
I want to be in-the-know on early childhood policy news
I want to hear stories I haven't heard before about issues impacting children
I want to be better-informed in my parenting
I want to engage in a conversation about the state of early childhood in North Carolina
I want to read more great storytelling
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EdNC Survey
Question title
What type of content are you most likely to engage with from this newsletter?
Headlines and links to articles
Links to articles with short summaries
Links to videos
Entire stories within the newsletter
One longer summary about what's been going on with links to multiple articles
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EdNC Survey
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How often do you want this early childhood newsletter?
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EdNC Survey
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What time of day do you want the newsletter to arrive in your inbox?
Before 9 AM
Between 9 AM and noon
Between 1 PM and 5 PM
During the evening
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EdNC Survey
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Thanks. Is there anything else you want to share with me about what you want to see in my early childhood education newsletter?
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