Mississippi Today Survey

Question title

How familiar are you with Mississippi Today and our work? Please choose the category you best fit into.

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Mississippi Today Survey

Question title

What is your zip code? We want to understand generally where you are located to see if we are reaching our entire community.

Mississippi Today Survey

Question title

Of the areas that Mississippi Today currently covers, what is the most important to you?

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Mississippi Today Survey

Question title

Where do you currently get news and information about Mississippi?

Mississippi Today Survey

Question title

Where do you tend to find news? Select all that apply.

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Mississippi Today Survey

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Where do you interact with Mississippi Today the most? Please rank the options below.

Mississippi Today Survey

Question title

Do you have a question that we could answer or a resource need that we might be able to fill?

Mississippi Today Survey

Question title

What's missing from Mississippi Today's coverage?

Mississippi Today Survey

Question title

Mississippi Today is a nonprofit organization. Donations help cover the cost of our original reporting. What would motivate you to donate to Mississippi Today?

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Mississippi Today Survey

Question title

In the past year, have you done any of the following as a result of reading Mississippi Today's journalism? Select all that apply.

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Mississippi Today Survey

Question title

If Mississippi Today ceased to exist tomorrow, you would:

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Mississippi Today Survey

Question title

How likely is it that you would recommend Mississippi Today to a friend or colleague?

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Mississippi Today Survey

Question title

What do you get from Mississippi Today that you can't get anywhere else?

Mississippi Today Survey

Question title

Do you think readers of news should help fund it?

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Mississippi Today Survey

Question title

What one word best describes Mississippi Today?

Mississippi Today Survey

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What is your age?

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Mississippi Today Survey

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To which gender do you most identify?

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Mississippi Today Survey

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Do you identify as a member of the LGBTQIA community?

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Mississippi Today Survey

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What is your highest formal education level?

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Mississippi Today Survey

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What is your race/ethnicity?

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Mississippi Today Survey

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What is your annual household income?

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Mississippi Today Survey

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* Could we potentially contact you to follow up on this survey and to get your feedback about improvements we might make to better meet your needs? If so, please enter your name and email address below.

Mississippi Today Survey
You’ve reached the end! Thank you for your time and feedback—we deeply appreciate that you took the time to help us better serve you and our entire community. Please click the submit survey button below!